Training & Development
Training Def. - a learning process whereby people acquire skills or knowledge to improve performance
I. Orientation: A Special Kind of Training A. Purpose of Orientation 1. Enhancing Interpersonal Acceptance 2. Providing New Employees with Needed Information
Orientation Checklist (1 of 2) SUPERVISOR Employee’s First Day __ Introduction to co-workers __ Tour of Department __ Tour of Company Location of __ Coat Closet __ Restroom __ Telephone for personal use and rules concerning it Working Hours __ Starting and Leaving __ Lunch __ Break __ Overtime __ Early departures __ Time Clock Pay Policy __ Pay period __ deposit system Other items __ Parking __ Dress HR DEPARTMENT Prior to Orientation __ Complete Form A and give or mail to new employee __ Complete From B __ Attach Form B to “Orientation Checklist-Supervisor” and give to supervisor Orientation Organization and Employee Policies and Procedure __ History of XYZ Inc. __ Organization Chart __ Purpose of company __ Employee Classification Insurance Benefits __ Group health plan __ Disability Insurance __ Life Insurance __ Worker Compensation ________________________ Name of Employee Starting Date Department Position
Orientation Checklist (2 of 2) Employee’s Second Day __ Pension retirement plan __ Sick leave __ Job posting __ Confidentiality __ Complaints and concerns __ Termination __ Equal Employment Opportunity During Employee’s First Two Weeks Emergencies __ Medical __ Power Failure __ Fire At the end of the employee’s first two weeks, the supervisor will ask if the employee has any questions concerning any items. After all questions have been discussed, both the employee and the supervisor will sign and date this form and return it to the HR Department. Orientation conducted by Other Benefits __ Holidays __ Vacation __ Jury and election duty __ Funeral leave __ Health services __ Professional discounts __ Child care End of Orientation – First Day __ Make appointment for second day __ Introduce supervisor Other items __ Job posting __ Bulletin board – location/ use __ Safety __ Alcohol/ drug use __ Where to get supplies __ Employee’s records – updating Employee Signature Date
II. Nature of Training Organizational analysis Task analysis Individual analysis
A. Setting Training Objectives Quantity of Work Quality of Work Timelines of Work Cost Savings B. On-the-Job Training
Job Instruction Training (JIT) Process Prepare the Learners Put them at ease Find out what they know Get them interested Present the information Tell, show, question Present one point at a time Check, question, report Make sure they know Trainees Practice Have them do the job Ask questions Observe and correct Make sure they know it Do Follow-up Put them on their own Check frequently Reduce close follow-up as performance improves
C. Training Media 1. Computer-Assisted Instruction 2. Audiovisual Aids 3. Distance Training / Learning D. Evaluation of Training III. The Psychology of Learning A. Whole Learning B. Reinforcement (Law of Effect) C. Immediate Confirmation D. Practice E. Transfer of Training
Comparison of Training and Development Qualified people available when needed; promotion from within possible; HR-based competitive advantage Performance appraisals, cost/ benefit analysis, passing tests or certification Effectiveness Measures: Longer-termShorter-termTime Frame: Understand information concepts, context; Develop judgment; Expand capacities for assignments Learn specific behaviors and actions; Demonstrate techniques and process Focus: DevelopmentTraining
The HR Development Process HR plan Abilities and Capacities Necessary to Carry Out the Plans Succession Planning Development Needs Assessment Evaluation of Development Success Off-site Development Job-Site Development Development Approaches Organizational Development Planning Individual Development Planning
IV. Human Resource Development A. Succession Planning B. Development Needs Analysis 1. Assessment Centers 2. Psychological Testing 3. Performance Appraisals 4. Coaching 5. Self-Assessment C. Managerial Modeling D. Mentoring E. Problems with HR Development Efforts Inadequate needs analysis Trying out fad programs or training methods Abdicating responsibility for development to staff Trying to substitute training for selection Lack of training among those who lead the development activities Using only “courses” as the road to development
V. Careers A. Organization-Centered vs. Individual-Centered Career Planning B. Dual-Career Paths for Technical and Professional Workers C. Dual Career Couples 1. Recruitment Problems with Dual-Career Couples 2. Relocation of Dual-Career Couples D. Careers, Work, and Family Issues E. Moonlighting
Organizational and Individual Career-Planning Perspectives Identify personal abilities and interests Plan life and work goals Assess alternative paths inside and outside the organization Note changes in interests and goals as career and life stage change Identify future organizational staffing needs Plan career leaders Assess individual potential and training needs Match organizational needs with individual abilities Audit and develop a career system for the organization Individual Career PerspectivesOrganizational Career Perspectives