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Presentation transcript:

SUSTAINABLE INTENSIFICATION OF MAIZE-LEGUME BASED FARMING SYSTEMS FOR FOOD SECURITY IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA Background and Research Priorities for Maize- Legume Based Systems in Ethiopia Project Formulation Workshop September 2009 Malawi, Lilongwe

Maize as strategic crop Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy Accounts for 40% (GDP), 90% (export earnings) and 85% (National employment) Grain crops constitute the major share of the domestic food production Out of grains, cereals comprise 80% (total area) and 86% (total produce) Cereals are the major staples and calorie suppliers 70% of the Ethiopian popn involved in cereal production

Maize as strategic crop…  In 2007, maize was produced on 1.8 mil. ha  About 21% of all the land allotted to cereals production  Productivity = 2.1 t/ha  Grown by small smallholders under low-input  Ethiopia has 7.5 mil households (X= 6 family members) engaged in maize production  For the next five years it is planned to increase the area to 3.6 M ha

Objectives of maize research program in Ethiopia  To develop and promote maize production technologies/information for different maize growing environments  improve the livelihood of maize dependent communities  Biological and socioeconomic research activities included:  Germplasm enhancement  Development of varieties  Improved production practices  Foundation Seed supply  Linking producers to markets and the local processing industry

Production trends… Maize production increased from 1.2 mil t (1991) to 3.8 mil t (2007); maize area from 0.91 mil ha to 1.8 mil ha. Trend of productivity showed yield increase from 1.3 t/ha in 1991 to 2.1 t/ha in 2007 Research managed demos achieved= 5 t/ha with improved varieties and agronomic practices Maize growing conditions subsistence farmers: Depleted soils Mostly monocropped Frequent ploughing (3 to 4 times) Undesirable topography  soil erosion  high nutrient loss Biomass removed (free grazing and for fuel wood)

Production Constraints Abiotic constraints: Low soil fertility and drought Soil fertility management strategy  mainly focused on inorganic fert. Sub-optimal application of N and P fertilizers High and rising costs Low availability Lack of knowledge of fertilizer management Inaccessibility to credit Low infrastructure Risks due to climatic uncertainties

Production Constraints… Drought  progressing aggressively Urgent need for mitigating and/or adaptive strategy Biotic factors: Insect pests, diseases, and parasitic weeds Inefficient or lack of dissemination and adoption mechanisms of technologies developed (lack of awareness or unsuitability) Enhancing maize productivity  development of improved maize production packages involving varieties, agronomic or cultural practices, crop protection practices, and crop and soil management practices suitable for various agro-ecologies and growing conditions

Maize-Legume based Farming system Maize and grain legumes always co-exist The difference lies on the maize varieties and legume-species Planted in intercrops, rotations, alleys, relay and double crops Mid-altitude sub-humid = Common beans and soybean Highlands = Faba bean and chick pea Dry land = Common bean, pigeon pea, cow pea and ground nut Low-altitude humid= Cow pea

Maize-Legume… The potential for legumes to supply N to intercropping systems is well known Two groups of legumes in maize production systems: Grain legumes (produce consumable seeds) and green manures (biologically fixed N) Grain-legumes constitute a major source of protein for the resource poor farmer Farmers show low progress of adoption of maize-green manure due to lack of a consumable or marketable

Experiences on Maize-legume Integration Mostly, common bean is used in intercropping/rotation About 80-85% beans in Hararghe zones intercropped with maize or sorghum In high potential maize growing AEs bushy bean types are grown in rotation & climbing bean mostly intercropped Legumes provide considerable N to the soil when grown in rotations than intercrops Grain legumes grown as intercrops suffer from competition

Maize-legume Integration… Mostly, grain legumes grown in rotation, fix and leave a significant amount of N in the soil Maize growing after legumes significantly increases maize grain yield Dual purpose grain legumes (high biomass and high grain yield) are components of ISFM tech. Integration contribute to the N balance of cropping systems Intercropping is found to be highly management sensitive Maize-legume intercropping suppress the parasitic weeds (Striga)

Priority areas of intervention in ML systems 1.Create aggressive awareness on sustainable agriculture in maize-legume based systems Training Workshop Mass media Written materials (brochures/leaflets/posters) 2.Identify and prioritize possible management options and policy dialogue Inventory of available options, for possible verification Assessment of economic viability of the options Strong linkage among stakeholders

Priority areas… 3.Develop and avail improved maize varieties for smallholders through accelerated breeding, multi-location testing and release Higher-yielding maize and legume varieties Drought tolerant varieties N-use efficient varieties Intercropping compatibility Nutritionally enhanced varieties Varieties suitable for irrigation conditions Major disease/pest resistance

Priority areas… 4.Development of resilient sustainable management practices for smallholder maize-legume farming systems in selected areas Develop technologies for conservation and efficient use resources Introducing reduced tillage Managing crop residue and soil fertility Develop mechanism for system integration

Priority areas… 5. Technology/knowledge/information promotion, scaling-up and establish strong seed system Promote through Demonstration plots, field days, Farmers' Field Schools, training Design seed multiplication schemes of both the maize and legumes Policy recommendations 6. Research capacity building Long and short term trainings Build physical resources (irrigation, stores)

Institutional linkages Budget synergism, germplasm exchange and experience sharing NARS (sub-regions) ICRISAT (Tropical legumes II) CIMMYT (DTMA and other projects) CIAT and IITA (Soybean)