Design for Developing Nations- Spring 2012 Kevin Conway (ME), Andrew Garland (ME), Avash Joshi (ME), Kylie Rhoades (ME) and Jordan Shields (ME) Mentor: Dr. DeBartolo
Project Description Identify methods to harvest waste power generated by people for end use in Haiti. Low cost designs to improve quality of life such as: o Water Sanitation o Energy Generation o Portable Dry Toilet o Rain-water Collection Urine Diversion (UD) Toilet from SOIL
Background Living conditions in Haiti o Poverty stricken (GDP per capita of $1200) o Ineffective central government. o Little law enforcement. o Untreated water sources contaminated with animal and human waste. o No active sewage system. o Most people are subsistence farmers. o Many people have cell phones. o No electricity in homes. o Very little education available. o Very religious.
Background cont. UV sanitation pumps are currently being developed by B9 Plastics and RIT to eliminate bacteria in dirty water and make it safe to drink. Taken from Taken from
Past Project Concentrations Harvesting Energy From: o Humans Non-Invasive Movement Normal to Everyday Life o Energy Harvesting Backpack o sOccet Soccer Ball o Moving Water Stream Power P12461 Waterbelt - Aerostatic Flutter Hydro-Power Generator
P11412 Improve UV Water Sanitation System: Senior Design Project o This project revolved around the improvement of a current UC Berkeley project to eliminate contamination in the event of component failure.
Sanitation in Haiti From the percent of Haitians that had access to "improved sanitation" went down from 45%-24% Only 14% of rural Haiti has access to "improved sanitation" o 'Improved Sanitation' means any sort of waste sanitation beyond squatting in a bucket Today over 70% of Haiti is without proper sanitation
Agriculture in Haiti 1950's: Employed 80% of Workforce, 50% of Nation's GDP, 90% of Exports 1980's: Employed 66% of Workforce, 35% of Nation's GDP, 25% of Exports Today's decline in Haitian Agriculture is due to: o Extreme deforestation o Soil Erosion o Droughts o Flooding o Natural Disasters
Composting & Toilets in Haiti Haitians have a need of a proper toilet (lavatory, lav, can, john, privy, bathroom, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne, head, loo, plopper) for defecation and urination Due to the lack proper sanitation systems Haitians inevitably find the need to dispose of their... waste products To do so a common practice is to implement a: Humanure Composter!!! Using the waste from the toilet as fertile soil for agricultural needs
Stakeholders Sarah Brownell - Worked in Haiti for 10 years. B9 Plastics - Sponsor for the UV water disinfection design (Better Water Maker). Alex Martinez - Student in with a toilet and composter concept.
Next Steps Determine what project path holds the highest potential for major impact in the Haitian community and/or developing nations worldwide. Generate engineering specs from customer needs