Written by Gary MartinGary Martin Illustrated by Phillip MartinPhillip Martin
A prepositional phrase is a set of words that begin with a preposition and end with a noun. Remember, a preposition is a word that comes before a pronoun or noun and shows the relationship with another word or phrase.
Like one word adverbs, adverb prepositional phrases usually modify, describe or enhance a verb in the sentence. They also answer the questions where, when, or how an action takes place.
For example: We played baseball in the ball park and forgot our homework. The adverb prepositional phrase in the ballpark tells where they played.
Can you find the adverb prepositional phrases and the verbs they modify?
The lightning struck next to the house and fried our poor computer.
The adverb prepositional phrase, next to the house tells where it struck.
The hula dancer swayed, with graceful movements, at the evening luau.
The phrase with graceful movements answers the question how she swayed. The phrase at the evening luau answers the question where she danced.
The macaw flew over the rainforest and landed in the treetops.
Over the rainforest answers the question where the macaw flew. In the treetops answers the question where it landed.
A few minute ago, Charlie clumsily dove into the pool and showed us how to make a spanking red belly flop!
A few minutes ago answers the question when he dove. Into the pool answers the question where he dove.
The children bounced and screamed in the back of the school bus.
You know where they bounced and screamed.
The End The children bounced and screamed in the back of the school bus.
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