GHG SURFnet – Longitudinal effects Albert Hankel, SURFnet
SURFnet the Dutch NREN SURFnet is the Dutch National Research & Education Network (NREN) -Services, innovation, knowledge -Not for profit -Task organisation of Stichting SURF = ICT collaboration of higher education & research A small operation serving a large community: -85 employees -160 connected institutions -1 million end-users 2
SURFnet is part of the SURF family SURFnet - We make innovation work3
Two result areas Network infrastructure A hybrid fixed-wireless network as the basis for all collaboration, providing efficient, unlimited data transport Collaboration infrastructure a pioneering collaboration environment that seamlessly connects systems, services, tools, and people SURFnet. We make innovation work4
First audit (2010)
Little low hanging fruit left -Commuting is done by train -Hardly any desktop computers in use -Virtualization of services already in progress Actions taken: -Continuous monitoring of energy usage network -Idem for office -SURFnet green team But predominantly: Focus on creating a green community for our institutions (see TNC 2012 )
Office energy use
Second audit (draft, 2011)
2010 – 2011 Comparison
Actions for Pilot with energy management software -Analysis office energy use at night and in weekends -Stimulate the use of renewable energy and PUE reporting at our housing locations
Advantages of longitudional audits -Base lining and measuring progress -See effects of actions taken -Drive to continuous improvements BUT Our ‘goal’ is to increase our footprint, because we think that increased and effective use of ICT has a mitigating effect on other processes.
WWF says: focus on the other 98%
Albert Hankel Presentation released under Creative Commons Be green, read from the screen