Lecture Overview Joins Views Transactions Data Integrity Constraints
Joins: The Full Story Join: by itself, nothing more than a Cartesian product: FROM student join takes == FROM student, takes Can Add an ON keyword student join takes ON student.ID = takes.ID Very similar to natural join If names equivalent, save time with using: student join takes USING (ID) If you will use ALL equivalent column names, natural saves most time: student natural join takes
Outer Joins A normal (INNER) join will skip any tuple that doesn’t have a matching pair between tables List all courses with their pre-requisites:
Executing an Outer Join course natural left outer join prereq
Right Outer Join Left/Right just says which table gets to include un- matched tuples: course natural right outer join prereq
Full Outer Join course natural full outer join prereq
Join Practice Reverse-Lookup: List all courses paired with any course for which it is listed as a pre-requisite. Also include courses that are not a pre-requisite for anything.
Views: Dynamic Tables View: a “table” in a database that is defined by a query Simplifying large queries Storing common subqueries Restricting Access Very easy to define: CREATE VIEW AS At this point it behaves, programmatically, like a regular table!
View Example Keep people from seeing instructor salary: CREATE VIEW faculty AS SELECT ID, Name, dept_name FROM instructor To encapsulate a complex query: CREATE VIEW enrollments AS SELECT course_id, sec_id, semester, year, count(*) as enrollment FROM takes GROUP BY course_id, sec_id, semester, year Select max(enrollment) from enrollments
View Concerns Every time you use a view its query gets re-executed! Some systems allow for materialized views, which must be updated whenever the underlying data changes Some database systems allow for updating views The changes actually affect the underlying tables Can be more trouble than it is worth Know that it can be done; read the book if you ever need to do it
Integrity Constraints Best laid plans… Humans Make mistakes! Designers can build in rules that catch mistakes and keep them from becoming permanent Not Null Primary Key Unique Default value Check( P ) where P is some predicate Foreign Key Rules
Check constraint CREATE TABLE tracks( album_ID VARCHAR (25), vol_num NUMERIC (3) CHECK (vol_num > 0), track_num NUMERIC (3), playing_time NUMERIC (5), instrumental CHAR (1) CHECK (instrumental in (‘Y’,’N’)), vocal CHAR (1) CHECK (vocal in (‘Y’,’N’)), rating CHAR (5) DEFAULT ‘*’ CHECK (rating in (‘*’,’**’,’***’,’****’,’*****’)), track_name VARCHAR (80), rotation CHAR (1), PRIMARY KEY (album_ID,vol_num,track_num));
Foreign Keys CREATE TABLE tracks( album_ID VARCHAR (25), vol_num NUMERIC (3), track_num NUMERIC (3), playing_time NUMERIC (5), instrumental CHAR (1), vocal CHAR (1), rating CHAR (5), track_name VARCHAR (80), rotation CHAR (1), PRIMARY KEY (album_ID,vol_num,track_num) FOREIGN KEY (album_ID) REFERENCES ALBUMS ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE); Foreign Key constraints: System requires that the listed field(s) already exist in the referenced table On Delete, Update Rules Cascade Set Null Set Default
Foreign Keys in SQLITE Relatively new: Referential Integrity off by default: sqlite> PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; Useful Feature: Deferring Constraints Add ‘DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED’ to the foreign key definition
Deferred Foreign Keys and Transactions All queries are atomic transactions A sequence of queries can be made to execute in an all-or-nothing manner: BEGIN TRANSACTION; insert… update… delete… END TRANSACTION; If a foreign key in SQLITE is marked as deferred, then foreign key violations are allowed as long as they are fixed before you get to END TRANSACTION