Why ICT4RL Research? Shalini Kala
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 This ICT4RL research is being conducted under ENRAP phase III, Practical Action as the lead ENRAP is an IDRC-IFAD collaboration IFAD is a UN agency committed to reducing rural poverty IDRC is a Canadian Institution working on research for development
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 International Development Research Centre S c i e n c e f o r h u m a n i t y A Crown corporation created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 Supports Southern researchers to enable them to find practical, long-term solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 IDRC’s Mandate The IDRC Act (1970) mandates the Centre “ … to initiate, encourage, support, and conduct research into the problems of the developing regions of the world and into the means for applying and adapting scientific, technical, and other knowledge to the economic and social advancement of those regions …”
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 Strategic Goals 2005—2010 Strengthen and help to mobilize the local research capacity of developing countries Foster and support the production, dissemination, and application of research results that lead to changed practices, technologies, and laws that promote sustainable and equitable development and poverty reduction Leverage additional Canadian resources for research for development
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 Objectives IDRC will contribute to: Building a favourable environment for research and providing opportunities for Southern researchers Supporting scientifically sound research Influencing practices, technologies, policies, and laws Incorporating Southern agendas into current international policy debates and development decision-making
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 IDRC Offices Ottawa Montevideo Dakar Nairobi Singapore Cairo New Delhi More than 450 staff members worldwide More than research activities are currently active Annual program allocations of about CA$170 million
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 ENRAP Knowledge networking for Rural development in Asia-Pacific region Strengthens knowledge systems in support of rural poverty Period: September Funds: USD 2.3 million Coverage: All of Asia-Pacific Target: IFAD projects & partners; and IFAD communities Promoters: IFAD & IDRC
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 Objectives Networking: IFAD projects & associated partners are making greater use of regional & country programme networks to actively share knowledge ICT4L Research: ICT applications that have proved successful in improving rural livelihoods are accessible to network members for replication & up-scaling
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 ICT4RL: Journey till now Scoping studies: Harsha, Alexander Research network workshop Call for proposals Practical Action-IDRC partnership Selection of proposals Research planning workshop
ICT4RL Research Workshop, Colombo, July 2009 Next steps Finalise proposals Research Methodology Monitoring plan Communication plan Transfer of funds to roll out research Communicate with Practical Action on all technical issues