Youth & ICT for Development Donald T. Charumbira Secretary General World Assembly of Youth
Melaka Convergence of youth and ICT Melaka Year of Youth 2002 Melaka Year of ICT 2003
Defining ICT Information and communication technology (ICT) is the convergence of microelectronics, computing and telecommunications.
Defining Youth Young at heart Dynamic Unsettled
Leapfrog Developing nations now have the opportunity of leapfrogging into the information age by employing the powers of Information and Communication Technology
ICT Opportunities Employment, wealth creation and economic growth opportunities are also offshoots of the impact of ICT on developing nations, among others.
ICT & Youth The continuity of any technological innovation is dependent on its sustenance by the upcoming generation and this automatically puts the youth under the spotlight when it comes to maximizing the development opportunities opened up by ICT
Youth & Development The energies of youth, supplemented with their ability to adapt, their creativity and their spirit of enterprise, make young people critical players in development work.
ICT and the Developing World Through technology, the developing world can achieve rapid industrialization, economic development and progress. When properly harnessed, ICTs can result in greater efficiency and optimum utilization of time and resources.
Hazards We need to be wary of the dangers posed by ICTs. Issues such as pornography, security, malicious information, cybercrimes and fraud are among the challenges that accompany any ICT progress.
ICT and SHD ICTs represent a novel and effective tool to help advance sustainable human development (SHD).
ICT’s reach ICTs can involve more people, hitherto unreached or underserviced, and accomplish a deeper geographic penetration, especially to rural areas, than is the case with traditional means and modalities.
Harnessing ICTs for Development raise awareness, build vision and advise on policies promote and build connectivity and necessary infrastructure for access to information and development; build required human and social capacities and institutions and provide training and education to impart requisite skills communities and disadvantaged groups should be empowered by reinforce participatory approaches and good governance and fostering networking;
Harnessing ICTs for Development ICTs should be used to help create new livelihood and employment opportunities; pilot projects may be conducted to demonstrate the feasibility, suitability and impact of ICTs for SHD through electronic community centres; partnerships between the public sector, the private sector and civil society should also be promoted.
Changes brought by ICT Interactivity Speed Lower costs Integration
ICT and Development access to information and knowledge stronger voice of the people in democratic processes and decisions affecting their lives networking and communication among people and organisations
Youth & Development A major constraint for young people is the lack of an effective voice in public life, and particularly in regard to decisions on policies and laws which directly affect their livelihood.
Youth & ICT 4 Development Information and communication technologies can be powerful tools in promoting social inclusion. It is the smart combination of different ICTs that lead to empowerment and more effective participation of the youth in decision making processes.
Including Youth in ICT & Development an adequate ICT infrastructure at affordable costs, building on an enabling regulatory environment, innovations, domestic and international investment, and comprehensive multi-stakeholder efforts to support the youth, to use the whole range of ICT to achieve development in various sectors of society.
Conclusion Young people should be at the forefront of the ICT revolution, and utilise it to enhance global development.