21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 1 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Open Access in the DARIAH e-Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities Drs. Heiko Tjalsma (DANS), Dr. Andreas Gros (MPDL)
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 2 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference What is DARIAH? Objective: “The general objective of DARIAH is to facilitate the use of digital humanities and cultural heritage information. Sharing of expertise, tools, and ICT methods for creation, curation, preservation, access and dissemination are key elements in the infrastructure.” ESFRI preparatory phase project 12 partners + 2 associate partners
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 3 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference DARIAH prepares to... develop and apply ICT-based methods and tools to enable new research questions to be asked and old questions to be posed in new ways link distributed digital source materials of many kinds provide access to digital research collections and support the setup of repositories exchange knowledge, expertise, methodologies and practices across domains and disciplines develop deposit and user licenses advocate Open Access
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 4 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference DARIAH prepares to... develop and apply ICT-based methods and tools to enable new research questions to be asked and old questions to be posed in new ways link distributed digital source materials of many kinds provide access to digital research collections and support the setup of repositories exchange knowledge, expertise, methodologies and practices across domains and disciplines develop deposit and user licenses advocate Open Access
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 5 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Open Access Policies Publications: Strong emphasis on depositing publications in the DARIAH scope under OA conditions Publications already in repositories to be integrated into DARIAH have to be taken „as is“ – Non-OA publications cannot be integral part of a pan- European research infrastructure as long as „academic use“ is treated differently between EU countries If scholars in the arts & humanities increase OA adoption, their publications can become subject of research again
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 6 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Open Access -- a Research Infrastructure can make a Difference Added value needs to come from how research can be conducted DARIAH needs to – facilitate re-/use of research objects (publications, methods, data) – enable linking between publications and data – make it appealing to use its services – provide a critical mass of content – collaborate closely with researchers – provide help, education and training It‘s a social thing...
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 7 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference OPEN ACCESS for DATA Facilitating re/-use of research objects implies: DARIAH Data Repositories should be based on Open Access for DATA Open Access for DATA: developments lagging behind compared with publications Legal situation far more complicated
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 8 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Legal differences Databases Acts: Protects the databases itself: sui generis – European Union Copyright Acts: Protects the contents of the databases: the copyrightable elements Personal Data Protection Acts: Protects personal data in the databases
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 9 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Hurdles No Creative Commons Licence yet Conflict between legal accuracy and simplicity First attempts, but differences in national laws and standards concerning rights Waiving of intellectual property rights is a major point Reluctance by researchers: restricting to their own discipline Legal or contractual restrictions „For academic use“ exceptions: Not clearly defined Varying from country to country
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 10 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Chances for DARIAH Challenges for DARIAH European project like DARIAH could provide opportunities to overcome hurdles Persuading researchers and funding organisations into Open Access DARIAH is initiating, preferably with other ESFRI projects Harmonisation of use, access and deposit conditions, Harmonisation of authentication tools Europe-wide
21/06/09C:\Users\ehttp://dariah.eu ah\Desktop\new_slides\dariah_slides_template_blue.odppage 11 Heiko Tjalsma, Andreas Gros, Berlin7-Conference Conclusion Open Access is vital for researchers wanting to share data and publications in disciplines and between disciplines Harmonisation needed Authentication tools needed Task DARIAH: Persuading researchers and funding organisations into Open Access