+ Confluence Philanthropy Dana Lanza, CEO New Mexico Association of Grantmakers: Aligning Investment with Mission
+ Building the Field of Mission Related Investing Confluence Philanthropy is a network that builds capacity and provides technical assistance to enhance the ability of foundations and non-profits to align the management of assets with organizational mission to promote environmental sustainability and social justice
+ What is Mission Related Investing? Investmen t Strategy Mission Aligned Investmen ts Mission Values The practice of aligning a philanthropic entity’s management of assets with its charitable purposes while sustaining long term financial return.
+ The MRI Universe Types of Assets Grants/ Program Related Investments Mission or Social Investments Traditional Investments Evaluation & Active Ownership
+ Ways That You Can Use MRI CDFI’s/ Credit Unions/ Local Banks Proxy Voting Shareholder Advocacy Program Related Investing Public Equities Alternative Investments
+ Risk management for the world that we want to live in. WHY MRI?
+ Social Rewards: Philanthropy’s Unique Role Unlike many other investors, Foundations are often issue experts with a holistic view of social or environmental problems. By aligning grantmaking and asset management strategies foundations can help to engineer sustainable solutions to today’s challenges Exponentially increasing impact opportunities to targeted populations and issue areas Increasing the Foundation’s reach by building partnerships and leveraging other forms of investments (i.e. Permaculture Credit Union) Program related investments can infuse innovative triple bottom line enterprises with below market rate loans and guarantees (i.e. Native Green Fund) Donors often hold ‘legacy’ stocks- original shares and family influence in a given company- or industry. Can these be played?
+ Step 1: What is My Investment Mission? What are the 5 things that you want your investments to do for you and the world??
+ Step 2: Investment Impacts CashPublic Equities Alternative Investments/PRI’s Ownership WHERE is your money and WHAT is it doing?
+ Step 3: What’s Right for You? “If you have seen one foundation- you’ve seen one foundation.” $40M Endowment 30% Carve Out Trustees actively seek out MRI’s Moved $2M in cash in 2010, increased to $2.5M Learning to layer capital Using intermediaries Looking for mission-aligned funds of funds Approx $80M Endowment 38% Carve out MRI program led by Financial Advisors Changed managers Looking for mission-driven investments exclusively in impact themes Shareholder engagement in mission themes only Looking for mission-driven collaborative PRI opportunities The Swift FoundationVK Rasmussen Foundation
+ Confluence Philanthropy’s Resources & Programs Membership Program Peer-to-Peer Networking and resource sharing Library and Listserves Strategic Roundtable Discussions Convening Collaborative PRI’s (i.e. Native Green Fund) Annual Practitioners Meeting: our three- day annual conference for members Working Groups: Proxy Power Mission Fish Water Investors Biocultural Diversity Working Group Next Gen Fellowship Program in MRI (for trustees under 35 yrs)
+ Discussion Tapping the Well of Mission-Related Investing
+ Thank You! Confluence Philanthropy Dana Lanza, CEO