COMM 3353: Information & Communicattion Tehnologies I Dr. Shawn McCombs Chapter 2a: Networks - The Nervous System of Society
COMM 3353: Information & Communicatio n Technologies I Chapter 2a: Networks: The Nervous System of Society Chapter 2a: Networks: The Nervous System of Society
What is a network society? The Human Web Networks of nature and society A multi-level theory of networks Characteristics of a network society Networks: The Nervous System of Society
Information Society Network Society Mass Society ….. What is a Network society?
Information Society - ICT’s and Substance - Information “intensity” - Emphasis on Means for processing, producing, consumption, and sharing of information quickly ….. The Information Society
A Network Society - Modern Society based on Social and Media networks with characteristics or connections at every level - Symbiosis with Mass Society ….. The Network Society
Mass Society - Modern type society with infrastructure based largely upon groups, organizations, and communities (called “Masses”) - Achieved when a subset of a given population achieves Critical Mass - 16% of that population, proportionally ….. The Mass Society
Internet responsible for the change of media news patterns Lifestyle changes of millions of people - physiology - Social interaction - Habitual and attitudinal changes - Technophobia and Cyberphobia (going, going, gone…) ….
How does it work? SC ServerClient
Five Successive Worldwide Webs: - dates back to the beginning of humankind - The Hunters & Gatherers - The Agrarian (Ancient Mesopotamia) - The Old World Web - Fusion of civilizations / shrinking planet - Forced amalgamation of disparate cultures - Roman Empire - The Cosmopolitan Web - The Global Web … The Human Web web 1.0 vs Web 2.0
Network: a collection of links between elements of a unit. - Physical Networks A Network is a colletion of links between elements; the primary structure of the Internet - Organic Networks Based on Organisms - or a collection of reciprocating organs - Neural Networks Mental systems which include neo-neural, chemical connections - Social Networks CurrenStio - Technological Networks CurrenStio - Media Networks … Networks of nature and society
- Gopher Early Internet tool Text only interface Developed at Univ. of Minnesota ‣ Mascot named “Golden Gopher” Primarily organizes files for text-only retrieval - WAIS (Wide Area Information Service) Text Only Index of Internet Databases Acts as Search Instrument System looks for docs that contain keywords entered by users, returns list of docs to user..
- Listservs Similar to Messages sent to electronic mailbox for later retrieval Subscription required Generally used in group-mailing information settings - Usenet Newsgroups Conferencing bulletin board system - Chat Forums Set apart from Listservs and Usenet by allowing the exchange of live, real-time messages ‣ IRC (Internet Relay Chat) ‣ Instant Messaging - MUDS, MOOS, MUSHES MUD: Multi-user domain..
Levels are linked Individual Group Organization Society World System ……. A multi-level theory of networks
……. Characteristics of a network society
……. Web Users and Profiles
Law of Articulation Law of Eternality Law of the Network Extension Law of Small Worlds Law of Limits to Attnention Law of Power Law in Networks Law of Trend Amplification Seven Laws of the Web
Law of Articulation Social relations in the network society are gaining greater influence on the network society itself Seven Laws of the Web
Law of Eternality Effects on People and Things external to the Internet Seven Laws of the Web
Law of the Network Extension Problem: Exponential growth keeps growing how network extensions work Seven Laws of the Web
Law of Small Worlds The Node and why it’s important There are so many, and even though nodes on the network may be far apart from one another Seven Laws of the Web
Law of Limits to Attnention Time Shifting People have little love for bad websites Podcasts / Mobile Learning Anytime, Anywhere Seven Laws of the Web
Law of Power Law in Networks Packets are stored at each node; Nodal storage causes the number of packets to grow exponentially - and they are saved (never erased). Seven Laws of the Web
Law of Trend Amplification Law of adoption and early adopters Why is this important? Seven Laws of the Web
End Chapter 2a Presentation Information & Communication Technologies I