International Internship Summer 2008: NICTA (Sydney, AU) Caitlin Cottrill
About NICTA National Information and Communications Technology research center of Australia Research Themes*: –Embedded Systems – developing ‘smart products’ of the future. –Networked Systems – technologies that connect the ‘smart products’ of embedded systems together to form ‘smart networks’. –Making Sense of Data – finding ways to make sense and extract value from the growing amounts of data created by ICT systems. –Managing Complexity – developing efficient and reliable tools and processes to solve complex ICT problems. *From “About NICTA”
My Work - General Privacy issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Examination of the policy and technology overlaps in ITS surveillance technologies –What are the legal requirements for privacy protection? –How can ITS technologies promote a more efficient transportation system while preserving the right to privacy in public?
Applicable Overlaps Smart Transport and Roads (STaR) –Research and implementation based on: Advanced video sensors and surveillance technologies Co-operative mobility technologies New models for traffic control systems Multimodal interfaces for control room systems Measurement and management of the cognitive load on individual traffic operations managers.
My Research in Context In the context of the STaR project: –Reviewed amount and preciseness of data generated by surveillance cameras on the roadway –Reviewed applicable AU privacy laws and policies –Began comparative project evaluating US, AU, and UK privacy laws as they apply to ITS surveillance technologies
Associated Research Topics Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR): Potential for collaboration with law enforcement Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications in transport: Detection and tracking ability Smart Cameras: Application specific information processing (ASIP)
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