A Global Mobilization towards the Achievement of MDG3 Office of Women’s Affairs and Family Development Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
Past Picture 1990/1995/2000/2005 Thailand has already achieved MDG3 with its success in promoting gender equality in education. Our next step is to focus on promoting equal representation of women in all fields, especially in politics
Supporting factors The Constitution of Thailand B.E (1997) specifies that the State provide 12-year free education for children. The National Education Act B.E (1999) states that parents are responsible for providing proper education for their children, both male and female, equally.
Present Picture 2009/2010 More opportunities for girls in male-dominated sphere e.g. the cadet school Legislation amendments and new laws to promote women’s equal rights More support for women who wish to participate in politics., though the proportion remain low
Our progress : Equality in Education The Constitution of Thailand B.E (2007) prescribes at least 12 years of free education for all girls and boys. Women benefit from informal education and professional training more than men. Smaller gap in male-dominated fields e.g. The Royal Cadet School welcomes female applicants for the first time in its history.
Our Progress (2): Equality at Work Women contribute approx. 50% of the national incomes. Female and male labour are equally protected according to the Constitution and labour laws.
Our Progress (3): Equality by Law Many laws have been promulgated and amended e.g. ◦ The Act on the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence B.E (2007) ◦ The Name Act ◦ Amendments of the Criminal Code Laws regarding the rights of female inmates who are pregnant, and regarding the rape cases.
Political Initiatives for Changes (1) The Constitution of Thailand B.E (2007) has many provisions on gender equality and the protections of women’s rights.
Political Initiatives for Changes (2) Cabinet resolutions on ◦ The prevention and protection of violence against women ◦ Gender mainstreaming in the workplace. ◦ Prevention and prohibition of sexual harassment in the workplace. ◦ Religious-training leave for women.
Innovative Governmental Actions for Changes Thai Women’s Development Plan in the National Economic and Social Development Plan B.E – 2554 (2007 – 2010)
Innovative Governmental Actions for Changes : Education Gender mainstreaming in the making of policies, plan, projects/activities and budget management. Integration of gender perspective Collection of gender- disaggregate data.
Innovative Governmental Actions for Changes :Politics Promote the body of knowledge and trainings on gender equality, positive attitude towards women’s participation in politics, women’s political skills and network building. Public relations on the benefit of women’s participation in politics.
Innovative Governmental Actions for Changes : Economic participation ICT training for women Promoting women’s participation in executive committees at all levels. Accesses to credit for women Flexible working hours and child care centers. Review and amendments of laws. Studies and researches on women’s economic participation.
Innovative Governmental Actions for Changes : Domestic Violence Promoting the culture of non-violence Provincial units to take care of domestic violence problems. Promoting family’s strength as to cope with violence problems.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.