COPYRIGHT LAWS Franick Dominic R. Llapitan
SUMMARY In this unit, you will be introduced to the issues of plagiarism, appreciate the copyright laws and fair use provisions and demonstrate ways to avoid plagiarism especially on paraphrasing, quoting and citing resources. You will be doing some intensive researches, conduct interviews, and present the topic using MS Powerpoint. In this unit, you will be introduced to the issues of plagiarism, appreciate the copyright laws and fair use provisions and demonstrate ways to avoid plagiarism especially on paraphrasing, quoting and citing resources. You will be doing some intensive researches, conduct interviews, and present the topic using MS Powerpoint.
CFQs EQ - Is honesty the best policy? EQ - Is honesty the best policy? UQ - How can we avoid plagiarism? UQ - How can we avoid plagiarism? CQ - How do we cite online references? What are the ways to avoid plagiarism? especially on paraphrasing, quoting and citing references? CQ - How do we cite online references? What are the ways to avoid plagiarism? especially on paraphrasing, quoting and citing references?
OBJECTIVES Develop a presentation on plagiarism/ copyright laws Develop a presentation on plagiarism/ copyright laws Generate ways on how to avoid plagiarism Generate ways on how to avoid plagiarism Illustrate ways on how to cite references, paraphrase and quote Illustrate ways on how to cite references, paraphrase and quote
21 st Century Skills Critical thinking and problem solving Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration Communication and collaboration Information literacy Information literacy ICT literacy ICT literacy
Goal of my Project Recognixe laws concerning copyright and plagiarism Recognixe laws concerning copyright and plagiarism Discuss ways on how to avoid plagiarism Discuss ways on how to avoid plagiarism Brainstorm on ways to cite references, paraphrasing and quotes Brainstorm on ways to cite references, paraphrasing and quotes