Ohio Strands Assignment Jon W. Creamer Secondary Social Studies Dr. Helms, ED639, Fall 2002 Using 9 th Grade Instructional Objectives
Table of Contents 1. American Heritage 1. American Heritage 2. People in Societies 2. People in Societies 3. World Interactions 3. World Interactions 4. Decision Making and Resources 4. Decision Making and Resources 5. Democratic Processes 5. Democratic Processes 6. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 6. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 7. Technology Development 7. Technology Development
American Heritage Differences in the Arts and Culture Overall history of Civil War Overall history of Civil War Causes of the Civil War A Controversial Past (US Civil War) Slavery (human rights) History in U.S.
American Heritage - Activities Students will draw a connection web about the various causes of the civil war. Students will participate in their own session of congress debating State’s Rights. Support the argument for and against slavery. Describe the different outcomes that might have been possible if compromises had been made. Rank the causes from most influential to least influential.
People in Societies United States Immigration Policies Finding Your Immigrant Heritage Finding Your Immigrant Heritage listspost1820.shtml listspost1820.shtml listspost1820.shtml listspost1820.shtml Outline of Various Cultures Outline of Various Cultures Laws Surrounding Early Immigration Laws Surrounding Early Immigration mmigration.html mmigration.html mmigration.html mmigration.html General U.S. Immigration History 1800s General U.S. Immigration History 1800s
People in Societies -Activities Students will identify the various groups that immigrated to the U.S. from Students will identify the various groups that immigrated to the U.S. from Students will attempt to discover their own U.S. heritage. Students will attempt to discover their own U.S. heritage. Students will role play the various parts of the Immigration process in the era. Students will role play the various parts of the Immigration process in the era. Students will rewrite immigration laws from the era to better fit America’s needs (in their supported opinions). Students will rewrite immigration laws from the era to better fit America’s needs (in their supported opinions). Students will attempt to pass some of the early U.S. Citizenship tests. Students will attempt to pass some of the early U.S. Citizenship tests.
World Interactions United States and War Middle East and War Ancient Rome and War War in the Far East War and Military History
World Interactions Poster- In groups students will create a poster with some commonalities of war. Poster- In groups students will create a poster with some commonalities of war. Students (in groups) will form their own countries and make policies for their new country. They will then compare their policies to their classmates to see where there could be confrontation. Students (in groups) will form their own countries and make policies for their new country. They will then compare their policies to their classmates to see where there could be confrontation. Essay: Students will write an essay describing ways war can be avoided by changing foreign policy. Essay: Students will write an essay describing ways war can be avoided by changing foreign policy. Chalkboard – Students will list all the possible causes of war and then attempt to rank them as a class by giving arguments why they should be ranked the way they want. Chalkboard – Students will list all the possible causes of war and then attempt to rank them as a class by giving arguments why they should be ranked the way they want. Students will create a small timeline of wars with their causes (in their opinion) by picking 10 Major Wars throughout history. Students will create a small timeline of wars with their causes (in their opinion) by picking 10 Major Wars throughout history.
Decision Making and Resources History of Labor Unions _history.html _history.html Rise of Labor Unions /TechAcad/Projects/The%20Grapes%20of%2 0Wrath/Labor%20Unions/main.html /TechAcad/Projects/The%20Grapes%20of%2 0Wrath/Labor%20Unions/main.html /TechAcad/Projects/The%20Grapes%20of%2 0Wrath/Labor%20Unions/main.html /TechAcad/Projects/The%20Grapes%20of%2 0Wrath/Labor%20Unions/main.html Women and Labor Unions Women and Labor Unions y/aa010220b.htm y/aa010220b.htm y/aa010220b.htm y/aa010220b.htm Background into Unions Background into Unions orkerintro.htm orkerintro.htm orkerintro.htm orkerintro.htm Labor Unions: Related Economics Labor Unions: Related Economics Hist121/Part3/EconomicIssues.htm Hist121/Part3/EconomicIssues.htm Hist121/Part3/EconomicIssues.htm Hist121/Part3/EconomicIssues.htm
Decision Making and Resources Students will examine why there became a need in the U.S. for Labor Unions. Students will examine why there became a need in the U.S. for Labor Unions. Students will form a mock union with a developed platform and administration. Students will form a mock union with a developed platform and administration. Students will watch a movie about the treatment of Unions and Company Stores. Students will watch a movie about the treatment of Unions and Company Stores. Students will look into the need for labor unions today compared to 1800s. Students will look into the need for labor unions today compared to 1800s. Essay – Students will write a letter to the leader of an Union, explaining why they are not welcomed or needed as well as a response to it from the union leader. Essay – Students will write a letter to the leader of an Union, explaining why they are not welcomed or needed as well as a response to it from the union leader.
Democratic Process Checks and Balances Made Easy Importance of the Balance of Powers 8&q=Balances+AND+checks 8&q=Balances+AND+checks The Legislature The Executive The Judicial
Democratic Processes Diagram – Using a web style diagram students will draw the connection of checks & Balances between the branches. Diagram – Using a web style diagram students will draw the connection of checks & Balances between the branches. Students will role play the three different branches as they apply the checks and balances to each other in a simulation. Students will role play the three different branches as they apply the checks and balances to each other in a simulation. Essay: Students will convey to me that they understand the importance of checks and balances. Essay: Students will convey to me that they understand the importance of checks and balances. Students will research a discuss in class where the U.S. got the idea for checks and balances and Why. Students will research a discuss in class where the U.S. got the idea for checks and balances and Why. Students will review real cases of checks being applied to the powers in history. Students will review real cases of checks being applied to the powers in history.
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities National City Government Search Engine State & Local Governments on the Net Types of Propaganda Techniques Roles of Local Government Government.cfm Government.cfm Community Land Use for Local Governments
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Students will identify the main types of propaganda used and draw “story-boards” of them. Students will identify the main types of propaganda used and draw “story-boards” of them. Students will find an issue in their community they would like to address. Students will find an issue in their community they would like to address. Students will research their topic (in groups) and come up with a proposal. Students will research their topic (in groups) and come up with a proposal. Students will come up with different propaganda for their local issue. Students will come up with different propaganda for their local issue. Students will receive extra credit for presenting their proposal to city council. Students will receive extra credit for presenting their proposal to city council.
Science, Technology and Society History Channel Discovery Channel Channel 1 News Integrating Technology into the Classroom History Alive, interactive Social Studies Curriculum
Science, Technology and Society Create a Power Point slide with relevant links to explore topics more in depth if needed. Create a Power Point slide with relevant links to explore topics more in depth if needed. Incorporate the interactive lessons of “History Alive” into your curriculum if possible. Incorporate the interactive lessons of “History Alive” into your curriculum if possible. Use the puzzle maker provided for teachers at discoverychannel.com to make fun class assignments. Use the puzzle maker provided for teachers at discoverychannel.com to make fun class assignments. Have students research upcoming topics on the history channel website and award them extra credit points for alerting you to relative material coming up on TV. Have students research upcoming topics on the history channel website and award them extra credit points for alerting you to relative material coming up on TV. Use channel one as a resource to tape programs from it to use for relevant topics related to your lessons. Use channel one as a resource to tape programs from it to use for relevant topics related to your lessons.
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