VET GOVERNANCE Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Kick-off meeting, Palermo, 19th – 20th February 2009 LLP-LdV/TOI/08/IT/566.


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Presentation transcript:

VET GOVERNANCE Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Kick-off meeting, Palermo, 19th – 20th February 2009 LLP-LdV/TOI/08/IT/566

VET GOVERNANCE Index: I. The Spanish Education System: - The decentralization process; - Competences; - Competences; - Legal Framework; - Legal Framework; - Characteristics; - Characteristics; - Conclusions. - Conclusions. II. The Spanish Vocational Training System: - Objectives; - Objectives; - Priority group; - Priority group; - Characteristics; - Characteristics; - Main characteristics; - Main characteristics; - Main actors. - Main actors.

The decentralization process: centralized decentralization. During the last 25 years, Spain changed from being a centralized state to having an extensive decentralization. I. The Spanish Education System:

The decentralization process (2): competencesof the State in education. This aspect reflects the procedure of decentralization of the competences of the State in education. Spanish public expenditure From the 80s, the Spanish public expenditure of the central State for education has been progressively reduced up to 4.4%., coinciding with the regional decentralization. National Administration % Regional Administration % Local Administration % Source: Own elaboration based on the statistic on public expenditure, elaborated by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences. Distribution of the Spanish public expenditure in Education according to the administrative levels: I. The Spanish Education System:

regional naturescarce importance of the Spanish local government The decentralization process in the Spanish education system has a regional nature. The scarce importance of the Spanish local government in the education field stresses the difference between the Spanish system and other OECD countries, such as UK, Finland or Denmark. Primary and Secondary Education Higher Education RegionalLocalRegionalLocal Regional Decentralization Belgium Spain Germany Local Decentralization UK07400 Finland Denmark OCDE Comparison of OCDE Countries’ public expenditures in Education Source: OCDE, 2003, own elaboration. In 2000, Spain exceeded the average regional decentralization of the rest of OECD countries, but for the local one Spain is below average. The European Nordic countries transfer to its local administrations between 30% and 70% of the public expenditure for education. The decentralization process (3): I. The Spanish Education System:

Competences: need of guarantying equal opportunities in all the country The Government has competences in these fields due to the financial objectives of these politics and need of guarantying equal opportunities in all the country. In the average European countries, the grant politics is competence of national administrations (France, Greece, Finland, Holland, etc.) like in Spain. Grants and incentives for studies; Grants and incentives for studies; Promotion of research politics. Promotion of research politics. Regions all the competences in the educational fieldtwocompetencesunder control of the central Government According to the Spanish system, Regions have all the competences in the educational field. But only two competences remain under control of the central Government: I. The Spanish Education System:

Legal Framework: LOGSE: Organic Law/1990, 3th October 1990 first stepdecentralization The first step for decentralization of the Spanish education system: it planned a first participation of the Regions in the educational field. LOE: Organic Law 2/2006, 3th May 2000 Current Law Delivered for ensuring 3 main aims: high quality educational system Need of providing an high quality educational system for all citizens and in all educational levels. cooperation Need of cooperation between all actors for achieving the previous objective. Commitment Commitment determined with the objectives set out by the European Union for the next years. I. The Spanish Education System:

cooperationCentral GovernmentRegional Governments The LOE stresses the importance of cooperation between the Central Government and the Regional Governments for improving the quality of the education system, guarantying equal opportunities and achieving a bigger efficacy of the educational resources. 3 kinds of centres/institutes It’s provided in 3 kinds of centres/institutes: Public centres Public centres; Semi private centres Semi private centres (partially financed by the Government: they have to respect the same laws, school calendars, programs and organization of the public one. Their usual cost is about 100€ per student); Private centres Private centres (they have a free organization and an usual cost of about 400€ per student). Characteristics: two kinds of education The Spanish educational system is structured in two kinds of education: General education General education (habitual and related to the ages of students); Specialized education Specialized education (Languages, Arts and Design, and Sports). The education form 6 to 16 ages is free and compulsory. I. The Spanish Education System:

Conclusions: 100 millions of euros For 2008, the Spanish Government assigned 100 millions of euros for carrying out specific programs aimed to the improvement of school success, decrease of school failure and drop-out rate, focusing in ICT studies and languages and opening centres out of school hours. PISA report OCDE Among the main challenges for the Spanish Education system are to improve the results of the students, according to the figures of the PISA report elaborated by OCDE every 3 years, in order to evaluate students’ performance in specific subjects (reading in 2000, maths in 2003 and science in 2006) and their school environment – teachers, schools, public expenditures, etc.- among the OCDE countries. I. The Spanish Education System:

II. The Spanish Vocational Training System: The Spanish Vocational Training System is regulated by: Law 395/2007, 23th March, 1. The Law 395/2007, 23th March, from Ministry of Labour. Organic Law of Qualification and Vocational Training 5/2002, 19th June 2. The Organic Law of Qualification and Vocational Training 5/2002, 19th June. Its main characteristics are: 1. Objectives; 2. Priority group; 3. Demand Training; 4. Offer Training; 5. Training in alternation with job; 6. Support and accompanying actions for training. 7. Main actors. Introduction:

workersunemployed people, To promote life long learning for workers and unemployed people, improving their professional skills and personal development; provideadapted knowledge To provide to workers adapted knowledge to professional competences required in the labour market and needs of companies; contributeproductivitycompetitiveness To contribute to the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of companies; improveworkers’ labour situation To improve workers’ labour situation, above all for those who have difficulties to access in the labour market; promoteaccreditation of professional competences To promote the accreditation of professional competences acquired by workers through formal and non-formal training process, as professional experience. 1. Objectives: II. The Spanish Vocational Training System:

2. Priority group: workers’ access to training To guarantee workers’ access to training, above all of those who have difficulties for their insertion in the labour market, priority is foreseen for: unemployed people Among unemployed people: Women Young people Disabled people Victims of terrorism or gender violence Unemployed people Adults over 45 People with social exclusion risk workers Among workers: SMEs workers Women Victims of terrorism or gender violence Adults over 45 Workers with law qualifications Disabled people II. The Spanish Vocational Training System:

3. Demand Training: Training actions of companies; Training actions of companies; Individual permissions for training. Individual permissions for training. This kind of training responds to the specific needs established by companies and workers. It can be totally or partially financed by Publics founds. Who does what? Companies Companies: planning and management the training for their workers; Workers Workers: have the initiative to request individual permissions for training; Workers’ legal representatives Workers’ legal representatives: to exercise the right to participate and get informed about all the aspects related to the training activities. II. The Spanish Vocational Training System:

4. Offer Training: Training plans for workers; Training plans for workers; Training actions for unemployed people. Training actions for unemployed people. Objective:workers unemployed people, Objective: to provide training to workers or unemployed people, adapted to the needs of labour market, productiveness and competitiveness of companies and the professional objectives of the target group. Ministry of Labour Ministry of LabourRegions most representatives business organizations or trade unions The Ministry of Labour establishes priorities, general objectives and recommendations. Training programmes (offers) can be established by the Ministry of Labour or the Regions according to workers’ professional needs, demanded by the most representatives business organizations or trade unions at national and regional level (which negotiate collective agreements). II. The Spanish Vocational Training System:

5. Training in alternation with job: Training actions; Labour and training public programs. This kind of training allows to make compatible workers’ training and job. 6. Support and accompanying actions for training: General and sectorial analyses; Research and innovation actions; Information and professional orientation. This kind of actions allow to improve the effectiveness of the system. Target group: Target group: workers and unemployed people. II. The Spanish Vocational Training System:

Financing: contributions of companies and workers Founds coming from contributions of companies and workers for professional training; European Social Found European Social Found; National Public Labour Service Specific Contributions foreseen in the budget of the National Public Labour Service; Regions Contributions of Regions. Training Methods: In class room Distance Mixed e-Learning Who is in charge of providing vocational training? Public Administrations Public Administrations responsible in the field of vocational training; Business organizationstrade unions Business organizations and trade unions; Companies Companies which develop training actions for their workers; vocational training centres Public or private vocational training centres. II. The Spanish Vocational Training System: Characteristics:

Main actors: National Public Labour Service The Ministry of Labour, through the National Public Labour Service is in charge of: Planning, managing and monitoring the vocational training system at national level; Evaluating the impact of the developed training programmes, effectiveness of the training system, suitableness of the training actions to companies and workers’ needs. Regions The Regions are in charge of: Determination the entities/organisms for planning, managing and monitoring the vocational training system at regional level; Evaluating the impact of the carried out training actions, effectiveness of the training system, suitableness of the training actions to companies and workers’ needs. Workers’ and employers committees Workers’ and employers committees integrated by representatives of the most important business organizations and trade unions, is in charge of: Mediating eventual conflicts; Fixing the approximate criteria and general priorities for workers’ training. II. The Spanish Vocational Training System:

Main actors (2): National Labour System General Council, The National Labour System General Council, is an advisory body in charge of: Informing and carrying out proposals about the distribution of the budget among the training offers; Informing and carrying out proposals about multi-annual training programs; Fixing criterions and conditions of training programs. Tripartite Foundation The Tripartite Foundation belongs to the National Public Service and it’s composed by: Representatives of the Ministry of Labour; Representatives of the Autonomous Communities; Representatives of the most important business organizations and trade unions. Among its activities: Collaborations and assistance to the National Public Labour Service; Technical support to the Public Administrations. II. The Spanish Vocational Training System: