CRYTEK CONFIDENTIAL © 2011 Crytek GmbH CryMannequin
CRYTEK © 2010 Crytek GmbH CONFIDENTIAL SYSTEM AIMS 2 Validation of assets: Crysis2 had terrible iteration times o Animator -> coder -> animator... With Mannequin we can validate our assets far more meaningfully o Layering multiple fragments o Sequencing fragments to check flow Control over variation: Variants can be added for aesthetic rather than functional requirements Control over FLOW: Most systems go little further than the dropping in of individual assets Mannequin lets you manage how these are blended together and insert additional clips between them Basically it’s a big animation sequencer!
CRYTEK © 2010 Crytek GmbH CONFIDENTIAL DEMOS 3 SettingUpASimpleFragment.avi Creating a fragment made of layered animations under a new ID. AddingANewItem.avi Adding a new item tag, setting up a model for previewing and a database for item animations. Using the new settings to add core fragments. PreviewingAWeapon.avi Using the Previewer to test out sequencing a weapon’s animations. SettingUpTransitions.avi Using the Previewer to setup transition animations into and out of prone.
CRYTEK © 2010 Crytek GmbH CONFIDENTIAL DEBUGGING DEMO 4 In-game debug Mn_debug o In-game display of current actions, fragments & clips o Very useful in conjuction with FRAPS Es_debugAnim o Low-level debug on the actual animation assets on the named entity Dumps Mn_dump o Sequence file is saved into Animations\Mannequin\FragmentSequences o Can be loaded into the Editor via the Previewer/Load Sequence... command
CRYTEK © 2010 Crytek GmbH CONFIDENTIAL WORKSHEET 5 Using the Previewer Try setting up a preview sequence to validate a set of animations. Test out the M4 weapon animations: Select, Reload, Deselect etc... You can filter the Fragment Browser by typing m4 into the tag filter Drag and drop from the fragment browser onto the previewer tracks Weapon anims need an underlying Idlepose fragment Analysing an in-game sequence dump Try out saving a sequence from game and examining it in the Previewer Load a level: gameplay_sandbox is a good bet Do something interesting Dump the sequence mn_dump dude Exit the game and switch to Mannequin Previewer/Load Sequence Filename will be dude_.xml
CRYTEK © 2010 Crytek GmbH CONFIDENTIAL WORKSHEET 6 Using procedural look-ats Try setting up a new fragment which combines an animation with procedural looking at the player Load the humanAIPreview file Create a new FragmentID, add a new fragment to it Batterystall_dispute_action_ai_buyer is an interesting example anim clip You’ll need to include the LookPose scope to pick a lookpose anim Use EditID on the FragmentID to change its scopes Use LookPose procedural clips to control the looking Drag the blends to extend the ease in Insert default None clips to fade off The ‘L’ key toggles the camera as a look target
CRYTEK © 2010 Crytek GmbH CONFIDENTIAL QUESTIONS ? 7 Mannequin’s home on confluence: