GOALS Define JIRA/Confluence Issue Definitions Logging in Tempo and Time Tracking Creating/Editing Issues – JIRA Working in Confluence
JIRA & CONFLUENCE JIRA – Issue tracking, agile project management, customizable workflow, flexible pluggable integration framework. Confluence – A wiki with powerful online authoring capabilities and an extensive marketplace that promotes team collaboration.
ISSUE DEFINITIONS Change – For system upgrades or alterations. Created by JIRA Service Desk. Epic – Created by JIRA Agile - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down. Improvement – An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task. Issue – Something that needs to be fixed. Story – Created by JIRA Agile - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. Task – A task that needs to be done.
LOGGING IN Navigate your browser to You will see the below dialog box. Type in your address Once you have logged into the system you can go to your dashboard and you will see a box with all items currently assigned to you.
TEMPO & TIME TRACKING Tempo is how you track time in JIRA. See red box on screen shot. Click log work button. It will bring you to this screen. Fill in date, time worked and description. Then Click log work. This will give us the ability to track total work spent on projects.
CREATING & EDITING AN ISSUE Click create at top of JIRA screen. Project, Issue Type, Summary, priority, assignee, reporter and description are required fields.
WORKING IN CONFLUENCE Create a page Click "Create" and select "Blank Page" to create your first page. New pages are created as children of the page you are currently viewing. Add to your page Click "Edit" to enter the Confluence editor and use the page layouts feature to structure your content using sections and columns. Use headings to format your text and drag and drop images into your page to provide visual interest. Click "Insert" and select "Other Macros" to add macros for navigation, special formatting and other media. New User Training New User Training