W ELCOME TO MRS. D AVIDSON ’ S MATH MODELS Contact information: Room #: E109 Telephone #: (281) ext Website: davidsonmathlessons.weebly.com Remind: Download Remind app on your phone and enter class Teacher Schedule (with the exception of advisory): 1 st period: 7:20-8:10 Algebra 2 2 nd period: 8:16-9:06 Math Models 3 rd period: 9:12-10:09 Conference 4 th period: 10:15-11:08 Algebra 2 5 th period: 11:15-12:38 Math Models B-Lunch 11:38-12:08 6 th period: 12:44-1:34 Math Models 7 th period: 1:40-2:30 College Math Prep
O THER INFORMATION Tutorials: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 Materials needed: Pencil with eraser and a folder or 3-ring binder Other materials not required: TI-84+ graphing calculator (or similar) is recommended in this class. I do have a classroom set, but I strongly advise getting your own.
O THER INFORMATION Grading: Reading Assignment: 5% Daily (classwork, homework, quizzes): 45% Tests/Projects: 50% Classroom Rules: 1) Be to class and prepared to work before the bell rings 2) Be respectful to your teachers and classmates (No foul language, do not talk while I am talking, keep your hands, feet and all belongings in your own personal space, do not hurt others’ feelings) 3) Do not mistreat school property including the graphing calculators and tablets and any other materials you use in class. 4) Take charge of your future and enjoy math!
O THER INFORMATION Tentative Schedule: SEMESTER 1 Unit 1Patterns in Data Unit 2Direct Variation Unit 3Equations and Inequalities Unit 4Linear Functions 9 weeks test Unit 5Systems of Equations Unit 6Quadratic Functions Unit 7Linear and Quadratic Models 1 st Semester Final SEMESTER 2 Unit 8Personal Finance Unit 9Transformations, Congruence and Symmetry Unit 10Indirect Measurement 3 rd 9 weeks test Unit 11Circles and Special Right Triangles Unit 12Exploring Solids Unit 13Nonlinear Models 2 nd Semester Final
S IGNATURES I have read and understand the syllabus. Student Name: _____________________ Student Signature: _________________ Date: ___________ Downloaded Remind app on your phone and entered class YES or NO Parent Name: ______________________ Parent Signature: ___________________ Parent ____________________ Date: _____________ Downloaded Remind app on your phone and entered class or NO