Opening access and closing the risk: delivering the mandate for e-theses deposit 10 th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations Uppsala Universitet, Sweden 13 – 16 June Wendy White Hartley Library University of Southampton Full moon by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey
Pre-mandate background Current focus in UK on the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) Role to deliver RAE helps consolidate repository as core service Short term hindrance to some other strands of repository development Strong endorsement from DVC for Research and Heads of Schools Growing deposit culture - already have 180 theses as part of this, excluding any retrospective digitization Full text deposit already mandated for journal articles and conferences
Add mandates and stir well… Only one of many ingredients for success A cultural tool for the long term Legal framework for implementation Depositor needs to lose out personally and institutionally if they dont participate
Theses: the research journey Part of capturing a public representation of the complete research output of the University Increase the visibility of early career researchers and develop repositories as and active part of the research culture Deep access to research - aim not to replicate print but embrace the technology. First step to produce innovative exemplars. Will apply the work of the data projects (Datashare and CLADDIER) and the cultural objects project (KULTUR) to theses
Last quarter of the moon Repository route map
Save time and add value One Good Record For Many Purposes
Institutions-without-walls Streaming to research group page Research reports Link from library catalogue Link from VLE Expose to external services Ready for ETHOS From institutional to global -flexible exposure for researchers who may be mobile between institutions early career
More than five a day: e-theses promote health Regular pattern of deposit Creates culture of deposit Integrates many roles into the deposit process: authors, research administrators, graduate schools Well placed to bridge research and teaching
Risk management: aims Broad consultation – clarity of roles Balance administration - robust but not so complex that non-compliance increases risk Assess whos risk? Student, supervisor, repository manager Open access but protect IPR in a devolved culture through embargo management Facilitate use but protect authors through copyright front sheets and a download licence
E-thesis workflow and communication Research Student & Thesis supervisor Research Student Repository Editors School Admin Staff Permission for e thesis deposit Lodge final e-version with School Upload thesis & add metadata Quality check & move to live archive School Admin Staff School Admin Staff Repository Editors Global users
Manage workflow to reduce risk 23 Schools of study and units of activity All documentation to support the process standardized across the University All supervisors as well as students to sign the deposit form and agree any necessary embargos File management training to be embedded Graduate Schools research support training Version control through receipting process for hand in of final thesis on CD/DVD School research support staff in control of all aspects of the process Repository staff quality assurance check
The policy rainbow ……… DVC for Research Prof. Phil Nelson Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deputy Deans Research, Faculty Graduate Schools, School Postgraduate Coordinators, School Managers, research administrators, Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit, E-prints Steering Group, Research Support Office and their link to Legal Services, feedback from users.
Collaborate to innovate International collaboration essential for future success Development of preservation policies and tools Institutional preservation strategies Interoperability More sophisticated user licences