Welcome to Ron Baremans e-Line DNB “a generic reporting system”
De Nederlandsche Bank Eurosystem National Central Bank Supervisor 100 banks 800 pensionfunds 400 insurance companies 200 investment firms 100 money exchange offices Statistics BOP: 2500 direct reporters
Chain of reporting Data production Publication Data transmission Storage Quality checks ECB BIS Eurostat National Statistics Bureau Government XML Data-entry XBRL Internet Mathematical PlausibilityDatawarehouse Departments
Positions All supervisors (in Europe) building their own systems in the chain of reporting is inefficient. There will be a tendency for sharing systems in partnerships.
DNB generic solution for reporting Data production Publication Data transmission Storage Quality checks ECB BIS Eurostat National Statistics Bureau Government XML Data-entry XBRL Internet Mathematical PlausibilityDatawarehouse
e-Line overview Reporting portal Internet based Platform 1 application All kind of reports Quality assessment of reports Monitoring reporting progress Multiple languages
Browser for Reporters Overview of reports DNB to be delivered Fill out reports -data-entry -Importing: XML, XBRL Quality checks: technical and business rules Saving & sending in reports Export to Excel / PDF Multi-user handling
News flashes/ announcements Start reporting Technical support Documentation Specific information per reporting framework
Red “due date” for late reports Menu for editing reports Status per report
Questionnaire with drop down menu Different forms in tree
Extensive layout possibilities Menu Use of colour White spots Dimensions
Extensible no. rows
Forms can change by interaction
Register Who are our reporters Contact information adresses to have the system automatically generate s
Reporting progress Customized reporting obligations per reporter Overviews of reporting progress Who is late Adjust due date per reporter Reasons for delay & comments on report Possibility for automatic reminder (mail merge with MS Word) Define own views
Report storage All data stored at DNB systems Data only available for DNB after report has been sent in DNB facilitates and guarantees back-up facilities
Reporting Assessment Assessment of reports sent in Adding comments Error/warnings report Internal copies of reports to correct data Enforce re-reporting Audit trail of all reports Updates/revision reports to compare a re-reports with a previous one sent in Changing the status of a report (concept/authorized)
Security (PKI = Public Key Infrastructure) PKI facilitates: Login handling Workstation independency Digital signature with reports DNB uses authentication based on userid and password Strong authentication (e.g. with smartcard) easy to implement
Interface to back office systems XML interface to back office system e-Line works with: Use of message queue (like in ) Transformation module to map XML on database Back office & e-Line can be developed separately
Current status
Finally Short time to market: hours per form 3 years of use has shown a stable system Partnerships with other National Banks / Supervisors are possible
Questions? tel.:
Positions All supervisors (in Europe) building their own systems in the chain of reporting is inefficient. There will be a tendency for sharing systems in partnerships.