Lina Ellinas1 Gender Equality and the New Dimensions in Local Authorities Hilton, Nicosia June 1, 2007
Lina Ellinas 2 Research Identity Part of the EU project ‘Gender Equality and the New Dimensions in Local Authorities’. Co-funded by the European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs DG (80%) and the Ministry of Justice (NMWR) (20%). Coordination: NMWR
Lina Ellinas 3 Research Identity Coverage: pancyprian, covering the large municipalities Objective: to gain some insight regarding the voters’ attitude towards gender and politics Form: telephone interviews, carried out by the Intercollege Research Center in two phases. Phase 1: Oct. – Dec Sample: 980 Phase 2: Jan. – Mar Sample: 1096
Lina Ellinas 4 Research Identity Focus of Phase 1 The voters’ interest in politics and their political ideology Influencing factors in their forming of an opinion on a party/ candidate Their experience/ attitude toward female candidates
Lina Ellinas 5 Research Identity Focus of Phase 2 comparing the respondents’ intention (stated in phase 1) with their actual vote seeing through the voters’ frame of reference how women’s involvement in politics could be enhanced.
Lina Ellinas 6 Election Results - Highlights 2 mayors in the 6 large municipalities are women (33%), but in the total of 33 urban municipalities still 2 women mayors (6%) Women’s representation on the ballots: 19.5%. Women elected 20.3%.
Lina Ellinas 7 Women’s representation is increasing, albeit at a slow rate. ElectionsWomen’s Representation (%) Increase (%)
Lina Ellinas 8 Women’s representation by party Political PartyWomen Elected (%) AKEL28.9 DYSI17.7 DEKO22.1 EDEK8.1 EDP66.7 GREEN PARTY33.3
Lina Ellinas 9 Influencing factors in forming an opinion about the candidates Hardly (%)Sometimes (%)Often (%) Party decisions72217 Family73207 Participation in political activities TV talk shows59329 Print media candidates’ program Candidates’ advertising NMWR campaign463618
Lina Ellinas 10 Influencing Factors in Voters’ Decisions Hardly important (%) Moderately important (%) Very important (%) Gender8974 Age61309 Education51580 Experience31285 Honesty1792 Meritocracy1891 Competence3889 Personality3889
Lina Ellinas 11 Voters’ attitude towards women candidates Yes (%) No (%) Did you vote for a woman in 2006? 7228 If yes, would you do it again? 1000 If not, would you do so in future? 9010
Lina Ellinas 12 Voters’ attitude towards women candidates If yes, why?Before the elections (%) After the elections (%) Worthy & competent candidate 7456 Women are more delicate 3124 There should be more women in politics 3348 For personal reasons/ Other 1224
Lina Ellinas 13 Voters’ attitude towards women candidates If not, why not?Before the elections (%) After the elections (%) Men more experienced17 Men have more time15 Men more competent14 No competent woman candidate 05 A woman belongs in the house 13 It hasn’t happened yet6146 Other010
Lina Ellinas 14 Between two equal candidates, whom would you vote for? OptionsPercentage (%) (probably) the male candidate 20 It doesn’t matter36 (probably) the female candidate 44
Lina Ellinas 15 Voters’ Suggested Quota OptionsPercentage (%) 20% - 80%13 30% - 70%20 40% - 60%21 50% -50%46
Lina Ellinas 16 Do you believe that parties promote men and women equally? Yes, 26% No, 74%
Lina Ellinas 17 Would you appreciate it if parties promoted men and women equally? Yes, 93% No, 1% It doesn’t matter 6%
Lina Ellinas 18 Strengthening women’s involvement in politics A little (%)Moderately (%)A lot (%) Advertising Campaigns % - 50% quota Equal promotion93557 Recruiting European politicians
Lina Ellinas 19 Recommended Actions Parties should provide equal opportunities to all their members regardless of gender. Women candidates should not be selected shortly before the elections. The government should take steps toward achieving a 30% representation of women.
Lina Ellinas 20 Recommended Actions The EU should monitor the progress made by the member states/ parties towards achieving a 50% -50% balance. Enhance campaigns for gender equality. EU funds to be utilized in assisting women with their multiple roles. Youth councils
Lina Ellinas 21 Recommended Actions The role of the mass media. ‘Recruiting’ successful women politicians from the EU.
Lina Ellinas 22 Thank you for your attention!