Overview of the RADIUS Tool - Simple Damage Estimation Software - Carlos Villacis, Ph.D.
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software2 Software Purposes To facilitate preliminary estimation of earthquake damage in developing countries To be used by city administrators and general public, not for professional purposes To assist in decision making To raise awareness of earthquake risk
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software3 Software Characteristics Goal: To make it as useful and accesible as possible Widely available platform (runs on MS-Excel) Simple, user-friendly –Help Function/User Instructions are included –Narrated Demonstration Video is included NOT a GIS(Geographic Information System) type of program –A GIS Sample is added for comparison (GIS is a very useful risk-assessment tool)
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software4 Input Data Program uses commonly available city information Shape of target region (entered as a grid) Population and its distribution Building Inventory and its distribution Ground Characteristics (Soil conditions) Lifelines information Choice of Scenario Earthquake and its parameters
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software5 Output Ground Shaking Distribution (PGA or MMI Intensity) Building damage Lifelines damage Human Impact (number of deaths and injuries) Summary Tables and Thematic Maps showing the results
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software6 Example of Data Input Process Shape of target region input as a grid Example for Kobe city
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software7 Example of Data Input Process Specify the City Area using Excel Mesh Input Total Population and Building Counts
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software8 Example of Data Input Process Input Area ID and Area Name
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software9 Example of Data Input Process Specify the Mesh Weight (building, population distribution)
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software10 Example of Data Input Process Input Mesh Weight to distribute the building and population count
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software11 Example of Data Input Process Specify Ground Characteristics (Soil conditions)
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software12 Example of Data Input Process Input Local Soil Characteristics
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software13 Example of Data Input Process Specify Building Inventory by Area Percentage of 10 Building Classes in each Area
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software14 Example of Data Input Process Input Building Inventory by Area Buildings and Population are distributed by Mesh Weight
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software15 Example of Data Input Process Specify and Enter Scenario Earthquake
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software16 Output Examples Building Damage Distribution
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software17 Tool Applications Understanding of cities’ earthquake risks Estimation of impact of past well-known earthquakes Estimation of impact of any number of possible future earthquakes Delineation of planning policies by decision makers Education and risk awareness of the public
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software18 A Few Technical Notes Hardware requirements: CPU: Pentium 100 MHz or above Memory: 16 MB RAM minimum Software requirements: OS:Windows 95/98/Me or later MS-Excel 97/2000 or later
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software19 Distribution 3000 copies prepared CD-ROM including TOOLS and RADIUS city reports. Distributed FREE to city administrators of cities worldwide by UN-ISDR and RADIUS institutes.
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software20 A Word of Caution The program uses simplified methodologies to enable speedy calculations and to maintain easy- to- use features. The program outputs may be used for preliminary earthquake damage estimation only. It should not be used for a detailed and exact site - specific earthquake analysis or detailed Micro- zonation. Experts in the respective fields should be consulted for a precise estimation of loss values.
Carlos VillacisOverview of Simple Damage Estimation Software21 END Thank you for your Attention.