Lucie Huang | May 20, 2014 Custom Projects
2 2 Any Energy Savings Capital Measure that is not covered by Standard Spreadsheets, AND is a proven technology. If you have a project idea with verifiable energy savings, let us know. It is probably eligible for funding! What is a Custom Project?
3 3 New Construction beyond Code Industrial Processes Data Centers Controls Ventilation / Economizer Common Sources of Custom Projects
4 4 Oversize ducts Heat Recovery Data Center Increase economizer hours Decrease economizer hours Some Examples
5 5 Funding for energy conservation: Custom Incentive Rates
6 6 Bypass cooling/heating coils in airstream to reduce pressure drop and fan energy Example – Bypass Dampers 250 hp total fan power 110,000 kWh/yr savings $29,000 incentive
7 7 Submit Application Meet with your SCL EMA Submit Custom Incentive Proposal Review proposal and documents with EMA EMA will draft a Custom Incentive Agreement Customer signs Incentive Agreement with SCL – before ordering or installing equipment SCL Custom Incentive Process
8 8 Baseline Establish and clearly describe baseline operating conditions and energy consumption. Schematics / drawings / trend data Description of existing building systems & controls. Proposed Detail planned changes & how energy is reduced Define controls sequence and set points. Energy savings calculation methodology & spreadsheet. Cut sheets & schematics. Custom Incentive Proposal
9 9 Incentive Contract must be signed by both the customer and Seattle City Light BEFORE any equipment is purchased or installed. When can I implement my project?
10 Apply Early & Often Document the baseline conditions Equipment Inventory Summarize changes that deliver energy savings o Be specific! o Reduced fan power o Additional economizer hours Provide electronic copy of calculation spreadsheet Tips & Tricks
11 SCL It’s a Team Effort OWNER TRADE ALLY
12 Compile Payment Package: Inspections of completed project Submit M&V Submit documents: ⁻ Final paid invoice ⁻ Final as-building drawings & control sequence ⁻ Test reports ECMs are Implemented – Now What?
13 Final trend data in Excel format, 15 minute increments with same time stamp for all data Final equipment list Final set points Screen shots Measurement & Verification
14 Read the contract Know what’s required for payment Be prepared for trending Track invoices or payments if it’s a long term project Tips & Tricks for Payment Tell your EMA that the project is complete Intermediate inspections
15 Colocation site Data Center Cold Aisle Containment $40,000 Incentive 70% cost cap
16 Get Started: Please contact us BEFORE you start so that we can discuss eligibility and help you with the rebate process. Visit us online: Call us: (206) Seattle City Light Energy Advisors us: Contact Conservation Resources
17 Questions? Please call an Energy Advisor at Thank You