Origins of the Cold War I.Cairo II.Teheran III.The Percentages Agreement IV.Yalta V.The New Team VI.Potsdam VII.Growing Mistrust VIII. “Getting Tough” with Russia
I. The Cairo Conference ( Nov. 22 – Nov. 26, 1943 )
II. Teheran Conference ( Nov. 28 – Dec. 1, 1943 )
Teheran Conference ( Nov. 28 – Dec. 1, 1943 ) Operation Overlord Operation Anvil Soviet declaration of war on Japan Talk of postwar world
III. The Percentages Agreement
U.S.S.R. Great Britain 90%Romania 10% 75%Bulgaria 25% 10%Greece 90% 50%Hungary 50% 50%Yugoslavia 50% The Percentages Agreement
IV. Yalta
Yalta United Nations Japan Poland Reparations Germany
“Declaration on Liberated Europe”
Berlin Soviet Zone
Berlin British Zone Soviet Zone
Berlin British Zone French Zone Soviet Zone
Berlin British Zone French Zone U.S. Zone Soviet Zone
V. The New Team
President Harry S. Truman
James F. Byrnes
VI. Potsdam
“Atomic Diplomacy”
VII. Growing Mistrust
VIII. “Getting Tough” with Russia
John Foster Dulles
Sen. Arthur Vandenberg