physically identical to modern man, superior hunting strategy helped them survive. They developed a spoken language
people’s unique way of life
early upright beings
man made object from previous cultures
discoveries in E. Africa that led to a better understanding of early man.
found “Lucy” in Ethiopia 3.5 million years old
Old Stone Age – Hunter and Gatherer
New Stone Age – Farming (also called Agricultural Revolution)
ways of applying knowledge to meet needs
earliest man, used primitive tools
walked upright (not the first) and used fire
modern humans, means “wise man”
not ancestors of modern man, tried to explain and control
pyramid shaped monument housing the temple of the city
exchange of goods/services without the exchange of money
use of bronze rather than copper and stone for tools and weapons.
Mesopotamian wedge shaped writing
professional record keepers
skilled workers who make goods by hand
taming of animals