2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt BIG HISTORY NEOLITHIC REV SUMERIANS EMPIRES & TRADERS POTPOURRI
Mr. Duffy said that this thing was the key to civilization.
What is a food surplus?
This was the dominant form of food production for humans for the vast majority of hominid history.
What was hunting and gathering?
These were the first hominid to walk upright, all the time; they spread throughout the Eurasian continent about 300,000 years ago.
Who were homo erectus?
These were four crucial points in World History.
What is the Neolithic revolution, rise of civilization, Columbian Exchange, Industrial Revolution, & the modern era?
These are three reasons Humans have succeeded, as a species.
What are (1) adapting to their environment by evolution, (2) individual learning, (3) collective learning, & (4) adapting their environment to them?
These are three general forms of food acquisition strategies used by ancient man.
What were hunting gathering, herding, and farming?
These are the three kinds of agriculture we discussed in class.
What is dry farming, slash and burn, and irrigation?
These are three implications of farming.
What are settling down in one place, larger families, and the formation of communities?
Agriculture emerged in these three areas of the world, at roughly the same time.
What are SW Asia (Middle East), China, & the Americas?
These are the five characteristics of civilization.
What are advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology?
The translation of this name means “Land Between Two Rivers.”
What is Mesopotamia?
Sumerians lived in these politically independent, economically dependent, militarily competitive locations.
What were city states?
These are three challenges to Mesopotamian settlers, AND the solutions for each challenge.
What are river flooding (irrigation / flood control), lack of natural defenses (city walls) and lack of natural resources (trade)?
These are four important inventions of the Sumerians.
What are the wheel, the sail, metallurgy, sun-dried bricks, or cuneiform?
This was the religious explanation of land ownership and royal authority in Sumeria.
What was the gods own all land; the King served as agent for the gods; as agent, taking orders from King was same as taking orders from gods?
In this area of land, stretching in an arc from the Persian Gulf in the southeast to the Mediterranean coast and into Egypt in the West, the world’s first empires arose.
What was the Fertile Crescent?
This Akkadian leader conquered the Sumerians, becoming the world’s first Emperor.
Who was Sargon I?
Hammurabi was king of this culture, which he ruled after conquering northern Mesopotamia in 1792 BC.
Who were the Babylonians?
These people excelled at warfare, using both chariots and cavalry (mounted soldiers) in battle; they conquered Mesopotamia around 900 BC.
Who were the Assyrians?
This is the proper order of empires, among the following cultures: Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Akkadians.
What is Akkadian, Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians?
These are the two rivers between which the Sumerian civilization arose, named from west to east (or left to right).
What are the Euphrates and Tigris rivers?
This was the name for Sumerian temples, considered the home of the gods in the city.
What were ziggurats?
This concept explains how everything from technology to new ideas passes between different groups.
What is cultural diffusion?
This is why primary and secondary sources are different from each other, and an example of each kind of source.
What are (1) primary sources were written during the time period being studied, while secondary sources were written after the period and (2) PS = letters, newspaper, etc & 2 nd source are articles or encyclopedia entries?
These are the names of three characters from the Epic of Gilgamesh, and a short description of who they were.
Variable; Who are Gilgamesh; Enkiddu; Humbaba; Ishtar; etc?