Career Research Automotive Mechanic
Automotive mechanic I chose to be a Automotive mechanic because my dad does it.
What my job is like You must now automobiles well,you also must be able to work with electronic,you must to be able to read and understand manuals and mechanics that are computer based,you also have to be able to use power and hand tools. You must now automobiles well,you also must be able to work with electronic,you must to be able to read and understand manuals and mechanics that are computer based,you also have to be able to use power and hand tools.
Training/skills Formal training,must train 6 months it also includes other classes like math,English and computers,and associate degree or certificate Formal training,must train 6 months it also includes other classes like math,English and computers,and associate degree or certificate
salary I think I will approximately 30 dollars an hour and about $ 5000 per month and $60000 per year I think I will approximately 30 dollars an hour and about $ 5000 per month and $60000 per year
The future Auto mechanic is a good job for me because there will be many jobs in the future. Auto mechanic is a good job for me because there will be many jobs in the future.
Other jobs to choose A police officer,professional athlete, dancer A police officer,professional athlete, dancer