Open access and repository developments Alma Swan Key Perspectives Ltd Truro, UK.


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Presentation transcript:

Open access and repository developments Alma Swan Key Perspectives Ltd Truro, UK

Plenty of P-words! Principles Places Participation Policies Pulling Purposes Plans Patterns Key Perspectives Ltd

Principles Key Perspectives Ltd

Open Access: What is it? Online Immediate Free (non-restricted) Free (gratis) To the scholarly literature that authors give away Permanent Key Perspectives Ltd

Open Access: Who benefits? Benefits to researchers themselves Benefits to institutions Benefits to national economies Benefits to science and society Key Perspectives Ltd

Open Access: How? Open Access journals ( Open Access repositories (author self-archiving) Key Perspectives Ltd

Places Key Perspectives Ltd

Open Access repositories Interoperable – worldwide database of research circa 800 worldwide and growing at an average of 1 per day Growth of content is rather less encouraging Key Perspectives Ltd

Universal archives OARA: Peter Subers venture with the Internet Archive Google Base Tampere University has opened its own archive (Tampub) to all scholars UK universal archive being built in Edinburgh and funded by JISC Key Perspectives Ltd

Participation (by users) Key Perspectives Ltd

Usage stories UoCs eScholarship repository has now logged 2 million downloads 2 years - 0.5m 1 year – 1m 9mths – 2m 10K records at end 2005 University of Otago Business School Launched mid-November 20K downloads by mid-February 220 articles! Key Perspectives Ltd

Policies Key Perspectives Ltd

Author readiness to comply with a mandate 81% 14% 5% Key Perspectives Ltd

Mandates In 5 institutions More on the way From 5 funders More on the way… Key Perspectives Ltd

USA NIH: Strengthening now very likely Require not request 6 months rather than 12 CURES: 6-month delay permitted but… deposit at acceptance (in PMC) FRPAA: All research funded by the largest agencies Key Perspectives Ltd

UK Wellcome Trust ($750m) Research Councils UK 4 out of 8 have a mandate and 1 has a strong encouragement Key Perspectives Ltd

Pulling Key Perspectives Ltd

Finding OA stuff OA search engines, e.g. OAIster National-level search services, e.g. DAREnet (Netherlands) and ARROW (Australia) Internet search engines, e.g. Google Scholar, Microsoft Live Academic Key Perspectives Ltd

Purposes Key Perspectives Ltd

Research assessment Bronze release of EPrints and DSpace for RAE (IRRA project) (N.B. UK Research Assessment Exercise will from now on be based on metrics) Developments in usage statistics reporting Key Perspectives Ltd

Plans for repositories Key Perspectives Ltd

Linking UK repositories User requirements – what services are needed? Roles and responsibilities involved Technical architecture Business models Key Perspectives Ltd

Services built onto repositories

Key Perspectives Ltd

Services built onto repositories

Patterns for repositories Key Perspectives Ltd

Purdue Universitys model Key Perspectives Ltd

Thank you for listening Key Perspectives Ltd