It’s About Time! Amanda Guillory Lauren Beckham Brentwood Elementary
Big Idea Everyone needs to be able to tell time! We need to know when to do certain actions, how long to spend at certain places, and to organize your life!
Guiding Questions Can you convey the most accurate measurement of time? Can you use strategies to solve real life problems involving time?
24. Find elapsed time involving hours and minutes, without regrouping, and tell time to the nearest minute 3 rd Grade Level Expectation
Vocabulary Review Minute: 60 seconds Hour: 60 minutes Second: smallest unit of time measurement Half Hour: 30 minutes (1/2 of one hour) Elapsed Time: amount of time that has passed
Vocabulary Quiz: What is time that has passed? Hour Elapsed Time
Vocabulary Quiz 2. How many seconds are in a minute? sixty thirty
Vocabulary Quiz 3. What is the smallest unit to measure time? second minute
Choose which video you most need to watch. Click on the picture to watch the video. The Importance of Telling time What Is a Minute Using Hours and Minutes Together to Tell Time
Directions: Click on your group picture for your assignment! Group 3 Group 1Group 2
Click on the picture for a fun activity
Practice skills at this fun site! es.htm#Timewww.woodlands- es.htm#Time