Indian Knoll Elementary 5 th Grade Curriculum Night August 18, 2015
5 th Grade Team
Agendas Student Responsibility: fill out agenda correctly in each class on a daily basis Parent Responsibility: check agenda for HW, behavior card, test dates and sign each day
Transportation Changes Must be written and include student’s full name and homeroom. (Not in the agenda) No transportation changes by allowed. Faxes must include driver’s license photo
Communication/Information Websites: SchoolMessenger –accuracy of contact information VITAL Remind101 – administration and 5 th grade to Newsletter
Conferences CONFERENCES Sign up sheets on back table for face-to-face conferences. Homeroom teachers will communicate with those not signed up.
New Grading Policy Grading policy –weighted Tests – 25% Projects/Tasks – 25% Quizzes – 20% Classwork/ Test Prep – 20% Homework – 10% If work is not turned in at all, teachers may give a zero for the grade. For late work, 10 points may be deducted for each day.
READING *Reading from varied sources such as nonfiction, novels, textbooks, and newspapers for information and pleasure for a variety of purposes. *Reading Challenge – Standard *Comprehension Check every Wednesday (computer or paper)
Math Curriculum Georgia Standards of Excellence Math Work Text –Go Math (online component) Moby Max Class Information Webpage links and homework Homework Monday-Thursday Weekly and Daily Friday Assessment Quizzes, Tests posted on website Blue folder
Language Arts
Lucy Caulkins “Writer’s Worship” model used. Mission is to create “avid and skilled readers, writers, and inquirers” Types of writing – Narrative Craft – Research Report (in conjunction with social studies: using historical texts, primary source documents, maps and timelines) – Memoir – Research-based argument Essay Grammar focus: - parts of speech (focus conjunctions, prepositions & interjections) - verb aspects and tenses -commas - WEEKLY HOMEWORK: Assigned every Monday, due every Friday. Use peach sheet for help! Your homework: Delight in your child’s writing! Ask to read their Journal or
Science Units this year Cells and Microorganisms Classification Genetics Electricity and Magnetism Chemical and Physical Changes Deconstructive Forces of Earth Sixth Grade Preview/ Famous Scientists FYI/things to keep in mind Students should be looking over class notes/vocabulary each night for homework. If a student is absent or missing information it can be found on my website.
Social Studies Units This Year Enduring Themes Citizenship Civil War & Reconstruction Westward Expansion WW 1 & WW 2 Great Depression & Immigration Civil Rights 20 th Century Things to keep in mind Students should look over notes/vocabulary nightly. Interactive notebooks and yellow folders should come to class daily. Textbooks are to be left at home for reading assignment homework. Information missed in class is available on my website