Design Challenge To design blades for a windmill that will catch the wind and use the wind’s energy to lift a container of weights
The Set-Up
An Introduction to the EiE Teacher Guides
Teacher Guide Structure Overview Prep Lesson Lesson 1: Engineering Story Lesson 2: A Broader View of an Engineering Field Lesson 3: Scientific Data Inform Engineering Design Lesson 4: Engineering Design Challenge Assessments
Lesson 1 - Storybook
Lesson 1: Important Points The Story: Introduces relevant science, engineering, and technology vocabulary Introduces field of engineering. Sets context for engineering design challenge Introduces the Engineering Design Process. Is vague about child’s solution.
Lesson 1: Introducing the EDP
Lesson 2: Who are Mechanical Engineers? Guiding Question How do mechanical engineers observe and think about machines?
Lesson 3: Testing Sail Designs Guiding Question What properties of a sail affect how well it catches the wind?
The Set-Up
Lesson 3
Lesson 4: Designing a Windmill Guiding Question How can we use what we know about materials and their properties, our creativity, and the Engineering Design Process to design windmill blades that catch the wind?”