Fourth Grade Welcomes students and parents!
Meet the Fourth Grade Team, from a galaxy far, far away. WHO’S WHO? WHICH FOURTH GRADE TEACHER MATCHES WITH WHICH STAR WARS CHARACTER?
Mrs. Gibson ∙18 th year with GLSD ∙5 th year teaching 4 th grade ∙Previously taught 12 years at GLJH ∙Previously taught Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Computer Applications in 7 th and 8 th grade Educational Background: ∙B.S. in Elementary Education IUP ∙Certification in Elementary Education (Level II) ∙M.A. in Adult Education and Communications Technology IUP ∙Certification as an Instructional Technology Specialist (Level II) ∙Certification in Business, Computer and Information Technology (Level II)
Mr. Roesch ∙10 th year with GLSD ∙10 th year teaching 4 th grade ∙Previously taught 4 th grade for 5 years in VA Educational Background: ∙B.A. in Elementary Education – 2000 Edinboro University ∙Certification in Elementary Education (Level II)
Miss Stynchula ∙11 th year with GLSD ∙10 th year teaching 4 th grade at Mt. View ∙Previously taught learning support at LES & was a long term substitute in IST, 1 st grade, and 4 th grade. Educational Background: ∙B.A. in Elementary/Early Childhood Education – 2002 St. Vincent College ∙Certification in Elementary and Early Childhood Education (Level II) ∙M.A. in Instructional Technology– 2009 Penn State
Mrs. Walsh ∙7 th year with GLSD ∙3 rd year teaching 4 th grade at Mt. View ∙Previously taught 1 st grade at Mt. View and taught 1 st grade for 5 years in Virginia Educational Background: ∙B.A. in Elementary Education – 1999 Westminster College ∙Certification in Elementary Education (Level II application filed) ∙M.A. in Elementary Education & Reading Specialist Certification-2006 University of Pittsburgh
Our Expectations for our students ∙Come to school prepared each day. ∙Complete homework and other assignments on time. ∙Have a positive attitude and cooperate with others. ∙Be responsible for taking home mail and graded assignments ∙Follow school rules
Expectations ∙Making Wise Choices- Take Home Folder ∙Please review & sign daily Whole Class- ∙Marble Jar/Mt. Teamwork ∙Moving to purple ∙Forgetting to make wise choices ∙Reminder ∙Time Out ∙Lunch detention ∙Call the Nest
Schedule ∙6 day rotation ∙Children have a schedule in their binder, it is also available online ∙Goal and Speech are scheduled during Language Extension. ∙Instrumental lessons are scheduled during music
Our Websites ∙Visit your teachers’ websites to ensure you are up to date on daily assignments and activities. ∙Greater Latrobe School DistrictGreater Latrobe School District
Language Arts Program ∙Teach reading life-long strategies ∙Genre Study-Helps students to organize what they are reading. ∙Encourage reading at home. We suggest at least minutes. ∙Goldilocks Rule for independent reading ∙Students choose a book, find a page, read it ∙0=too easy, 1-4=just right, 5 or more=too hard
Storytown Themes Read Aloud Main Selection Paired Selection Leveled Readers Robust Vocabulary Focus Skill Focus Strategy Word Attack Fluency
Writing ∙Taught as a process in the core ∙Focus on ideas first—later revise & edit ∙We learn opinion writing, narrative writing, and informational writing ∙Figurative Language (poetry) ∙Most of the writing is completed at school— kept in portfolio. ∙Sent home at the end of the year.
Spelling ∙Lessons begin with a pretest on Wednesday ∙Pretest contains a list of words that follow a pattern. ∙Whole class lessons will be taught to help children to make generalizations so that they can apply it to their everyday writing. ∙Post test will be given on a new list of words on Tuesday. ∙Spelling Projects are due Tues. They are located on the back of your child’s spelling list ∙Spelling CitySpelling City ∙Spelling grades are now included in Language
Math Fourth grade math is FUN!! Students will learn how to become great problem solvers and will learn how to engage in good math talk!! They will have A LOT of opportunities to improve their number sense!! ∙GO Math! PA Core Standard Based Students will still be taking the PSSA test in April Continue to practice multiplication facts
Science ∙Inquiry approach: Hands on, explore children’s own questions, activity based ∙STC kits: electricity, land and water, animal studiesl ∙Weather and space included when we are not in a kit. ∙Science Fusion: New consumable text book, uses thinkcentralFusion ∙Science PSSA-April ∙(Tested Grades 4, 8, 11)
Social Studies ∙Government/Immigration ∙Pennsylvania ∙Regions of USA ∙Map skills ∙Scholastic News (current events) ∙Non-fiction reading strategies
Homework ∙Homework is assigned every night. If the assigned homework does not take 40 minutes, children should read or study math facts for the remaining time. ∙Homework reinforces the skills that are learned at school. Your child should be able to do it Independently, please notify your teacher if your child consistently struggles with how to do assignments. ∙Homework assignment book ∙Children are expected to write each assignment. ∙Have your child show you his/her assignment book each night. ∙ Website is available to check for assignments or enrich your knowledge.
HW Continued… ∙Take Home Folder ∙Sent home nightly with graded papers or important announcements. ∙Help your child to empty this folder nightly. ∙Homework Policy ∙If an assignment is missed, they will make up their missed work during recess. ∙Students who do not complete their homework on time, will NOT receive the full amount of points.
Birthdays ∙You may send a birthday treat into school. ∙Each homeroom will celebrate birthdays at different times ∙Please have your treat ready to serve to children ∙Please keep in mind 75% healthy food, 25% not healthy food.
Math/Reading Club ∙Our fourth grade has teamed up to provide more tutoring for your children. ∙This enables children who need specifically math or reading help to get the necessary help that they need. ∙Your child will meet with a fourth grade teacher or support person when they come for tutoring. ∙You will see an invitation if we feel your child will benefit from extra practice on the skills we are teaching.
Conferences ∙Conference day on November 10th ∙Take a post-it note with your date to put on your calendar at home ∙Please sign up before leaving ∙We will send reminders at the end of Oct.
Home Access Center (HAC) ∙You are getting your username and password tonight. ∙Please check that you can login. ∙Access to your child’s current grades. ∙We will NOT be sending home mid-term reports unless your child earns a D or F. ∙Greater Latrobe School DistrictGreater Latrobe School District
Home School Connection ∙Ideas for Homework Help: ∙Quiet space ∙Encourage quality work ∙Refer to class work for help ∙Fun Websites for Parents and Children: ∙Please see teacher websites for lots of kid friendly, educational sites on the Internet
Let’s Have a Great Year! *Thanks for coming.