DEFINITION Scientific study of cells obtained from tissues or body secretions to identify disease.
TYPES Based on sampling techniques, cytology is classified into the following: Exfoliative Cytology. Abrasive Cytology. Aspiration Cytology.
EXFOLIATIVE CYTOLOGY Based on spontaneous shedding of cells derived from the lining of an organ into a cavity. Contents of the sample are derived from several sources. Examples: vaginal smear, sputum, urine, CSF, and body effusions. The material is collected spontaneously or by a syringe or a cotton swab.
ABRASIVE CYTOLOGY Cells are obtained directly from the surface of the target of interest. Samples are taken by scraping, brushing, or washing. Examples: cervical scraper, endoscopy, and gastric lavage. Samples can be obtained from superficial or deep lesions.
ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY Samples are obtained from solid tissues that are not connected to a hollow viscus. A needle with or without a syringe is used. Simple, safe, rapid, cost effective, and require no special clinical skills. Virtually every organ in the body is accessible to this method.
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS The cytologic diagnosis must be based on the entire clinical evidence available, rather than on changes in individual cells. To maintain satisfactory results, the uniformity of the technical methods employed is important. It is very important to acquire a thorough knowledge of normal cells originating from a given source before attempting diagnosis.
CONTINUE Understanding structural and functional cell changes in health and disease. The best quality control is generated by careful follow-up of patients and constant referral to tissue evidence.
COURSE CONTENTS(THEORY) Introduction to Cytology. Recognizing and classifying cells. Fixation and preservation in cytology. Methods of preparation in cytology. Stains and staining in cytology. Gynecological cytology: methods of collection. Gynecological cytology: normal and functional cytology.
CONTINUE Gynecological cytology: abnormal cytology Respiratory tract cytology. Urinary tract cytology. Gastrointestinal tract cytology. Cytology of fluids and body effusions. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Test Exam. Revision.
COURSE CONTENTS(PRACTICAL) Introduction to cytology laboratory. Recognizing and classifying cells. Preparation of fixatives and preservatives. Preparation and fixation of specimens. Preparation, Fixation, and Staining(1). Preparation, Fixation, and Staining(2). Normal gynecological cytology(slides).
CONTINUE Abnormal non-neoplastic gynecological cytology(slides). Abnormal neoplastic gynecological cytology (slides). Respiratory tract cytology(slides). Cytology of urinary tract, GIT, and body effusions(slides).
CONTINUE Revision. Test Exam.