1 DIEHARD Mycorrhizal Inoculants Prepared For Rainbow Treecare Scientific Advancements By: Horticultural Alliance, Inc. Contact Jim Quinn
2 Horticultural Alliance, Inc. Technology Based –Innovators in application technology Service Lead –Our goal is to serve YOU and your business Customer Driven –Our products and service have evolved by listening to our customers
3 What are Mycorrhizas? Mycorrhizas are highly evolved, mutualistic associations between soil fungi and plant roots. Mycorrhizal associations involve 3-way interactions between host plants, mutualistic fungi and soil factors.
4 Benefits of Mycorrhiza Survival Rooting Water Absorption Nutrient Availability Soil Aggregation Boosts Micro-Flora Activity
5 Types of Mycorrhizas At least seven different types of mycorrhizal associations have been recognized, involving different groups of fungi and host plants and distinct morphology Only endo- and ectomycorrhizas will be presented here. These two account for over 99% of plants on earth.
6 Mycorrhizal Fungi Endomycorrhiza – 7* strains to include Glomus mosseae, Gigaspora margarita, Glomus brasilianum, Glomus deserticola, Glomus clarum, Glomus etunicatum, and Glomus intraradices. Ectomycorrhiza – 9 strains to include Pisolithus tinctorius, four species of Rhizopogon, two species each of Laccaria and Scleroderma. * Glomus sp (sclerocystis specie) and Glomus fasiculatum to be added 3 nd quarter 2001.
7 Endomycorrhiza (AM) Vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizas are associations within roots. Spores are formed in soil or roots. Brundrett, 1984
8 Photo Collection of Endomycorrhiza Spores inside the roots. Dr. David Sylvia, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL
9 Photo Collection of Endomycorrhiza Arbuscule in a root fluorescing from antibodies produced abundantly by fungal hyphae that aids considerably in soil aggregation.. Dr. David Sylvia, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL
10 Production of Endomycorrhiza Endomycorrhiza is propagated in a greenhouse and the roots are harvested along with spores and hyphae. Dr. David Sylvia, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL
11 Collection of Ectomycorrhiza in Nature Ectomycorrhiza is harvested in the form of “puff balls” in native forests and processed to become an inoculant.
12 Applications In The Nursery In The Field Established Plants
13 In The Nursery Inject an inoculant containing mycorrhiza and water gel in nursery containers.
14 In The Field As a soil amendment when planting nursery stock.
15 Established Trees & Shrubs As deep root injection.
16 Advantages Of DIEHARD Mycorrhizal Inoculants Ingredients Multiple Strain Diversity Size of Production Runs Quality Control YOU are our business partner
17 Ingredients In DIEHARD Mycorrhizal Inoculants Mycorrhizae – we source from 5 different suppliers in the United States and Europe Biostimulants – proprietary blend of the highest quality ingredients available anywhere
18 Mycorrhizal Fungi We DO NOT use ONLY SPORES but instead use spores, hyphae, and root fragments. Research at INVAM at the University of West Virginia shows that spores are the least infective propagules followed by hyphae and root fragments respectfully.
19 Biostimulants – proprietary blend of the highest quality ingredients available anywhere Humates – only the best from the Dakotas Yucca Extracts – highest quality anywhere, from Mexico Seaweed Extracts – only the best from the Norwegian coast
20 Size of Production Runs Small – generally 1,000 to 2,000 pound runs Assures you of “fresh” inoculum that hasn’t been sitting in a warehouse for months, or even years. We turn raw materials inventory 8-14 times per year.
21 Quality Control All inoculum from suppliers are tested for infectivity potential before they are used to make your products. Certificates of analysis are required from all suppliers on each order from us to insure that you consistently get the best ingredients available.
22 Products Offered The Professional Arborist DIEHARD Transplant DIEHARD Injectable DIEHARD Ecto Injectable DIEHARD Root Reviver DIEHARD BioRush Biostimulant DIEHARD BioRush Fe Biostimulant with iron
23 Inoculant “Cocktails” Contain Endo & Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Complete Biostimulant Package Trichoderma 54+ Strains Beneficial Bacteria Yucca Plant Extract Seaweed Plant Extract
24 - Profit Margins - RTC Cost DIEHARD Product MSRPCost* DIEHARD Transplant $ DIEHARD Root Reviver $ % DIEHARD Injectable Cs. DIEHARD Ecto Inj. Cs. 45% DIEHARD BioRush Cs % DIEHARD BioRush Fe Cs % *Delivered in 48 unit pallets
25 Services We Offer Immediate Response Toll-Free Fax Number Extensive Web Page (Over 16 megs) Interactive Specification and Usage Template On-Line Custom Inoculant based upon your needs/conditions Complete laboratory work (at cost)
26 Summary HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICE Result in a hassle-free business partnership Enable more reliable results in the field. Enhances your customer goodwill Expands potential customer base through word-of-mouth satisfaction/results
27 Thank You For Making This Presentation Possible
28 Technology Based * Service Lead * Customer Driven