LSIS: the Quality Improvement Agency (QIA) and the Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) have now come together to form the new sector-led organisation dedicated to supporting excellence and leadership development in the further education and skills sector. Engaging Employees
2 Aims To ensure that: staff are confident to engage employees so they see the benefits of Skills for Life training Skills for Life is presented as a positive opportunity tools are available to show the relevance of SfL and allow learners to identify English and maths skills they would like to develop.
3 Engaging employees with Skills for Life Make SfL a positive part of the training offer. Show it is relevant to job role and NVQ. Demonstrate that it is needed. Emphasise the bonus of additional national qualifications. Present SfL to employee by a knowledgeable, confident and enthusiastic person – vocational assessor, ULR, supervisor, manager, successful learner or learner champion.
4 A positive start? We need to screen you to see if you have any basic skills problems. This is to find out if you would benefit for gaining an English or maths qualification as well as your NVQ. Deficit language approach Positive language approach 100% 50%0%50%
5 Language matters How do you ensure that everyone in your team understands the importance of a positive approach? The way in which teachers, both vocational and LLN specialists, introduce LLN is crucial to motivating learners and developing positive learner attitudes. From NRDC Embedded Teaching and Learning Research
6 Skills for Life checklists Checklists can be used to: show the relevance of SfL to the NVQ or job role present SfL as an integral part of training identify what someone can do, as well as what they need to improve help plan learning. Do you have SfL checklists for all the sectors and NVQs you deliver?