Java is an object oriented programming language In this model of programming all entities are objects that have methods and fields Methods perform tasks.


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Presentation transcript:

Java is an object oriented programming language In this model of programming all entities are objects that have methods and fields Methods perform tasks or query the state of the object Fields store information about the state of an object In our first attempt at Java we will look at how to use an object when programming Later our goal will evolve into building out own objects

We will learn beginning programming concepts by using software called Greenfoot Download and install from:

If you’ve been successful downloading and installing Greenfoot you should be able to open the TurtleGraphics scenario so we can get started

A programmer is constantly reading documentation to learn how to use existing code Rather than write their own from scratch Greenfoot provides documentation in two way Built in classesCustom classes

Add a Turtle to the World Right click on the Actor or hold the shift key

As a general rule you should never edit code that is not yours unless you’ve been told/paid to or are fixing a bug Instead we can take all of the code and use it as our own without effecting the parent class. In this case the parent class is the Turtle. You will make your own subclass to do your tasks. This is a good design principle. In Java you “inherit” all methods and fields. You cannot access anything declared private though Let’s make our own Turtle to edit

Step 1Step 2

Time to code! I will walk you through a demo of how I can find and test which commands I need to make my initials using the mouse at runtime. I’ll make a note of the code so that I can reconstruct my initials without relying on the mouse at run time. In the end I will have a program that will draw my initials by running it in Greenfoot

public void drawInitials() {mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()");mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");mrJoyce.addC ommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()");mrJoyce.addCom mand("move(20)");mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(10)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(10)"); }

Java does not care how your code is organized BUT YOU SHOULD! Code should be lined up to the block in which is was created { addCommand(… … } Tabbed Block

public void drawInitials() { mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(10)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(10)"); }

Hard to understand what’s going on! Programming languages allow for comments to be added to the source code which is ignored at compilation Java has three mechanisms: Inline: // Multiline: /* … */ Javadoc: /** … */

public void drawInitials() { /* The code below will draw Mr. Joyce’s initials in Turtle Graphics, C J The letters are drawn in black in a 20 pixel block */ mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()");//starts facing east, need to turn 180 degrees mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()");//ready to draw the C now mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");//bottom edge mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");//left side mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");//top mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()");//pick up pen to move over for J mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()");//begin drawing J mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");//top mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(10)");//move to middle mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)");//middle mrJoyce.addCommand("turnR()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(10)");//bottom }

As programmers we make better software by breaking down tasks into small manageable chunks Methods! In my case I’ll make two methods Draw C Draw J

Methods in java always have the following syntax ( …) { } Example: public void setPenColor(int red, int green, int blue) { … } The name and parameter list defines their signature and must be unique Overloading a method means using the same name but different signatures Ex. setPenColor(Color c) vs setPenColor(int red, int green, int blue)

Not an easy question (in general) I’ll make the C and J independent of whatever else might be happening in the program Need to document what to expect so programmers know how to achieve desired behaviour

/** * Draws a C in a 20 pixel block * Pre Conditions: *-Turtle has the penDown *-Turtle is facing West (180 degrees) *-Turtle begins at the bottom right position of the C * / public void drawC() { addCommand("move(20)"); addCommand("turnR()"); addCommand("move(20)"); addCommand("turnR()"); addCommand("move(20)"); }

/** * Draws a J in a 20 pixel block * Pre Conditions: *-Turtle has the penDown *-Turtle is facing East (0 degrees) *-Turtle begins at the top left position of the J * / public void drawJ() { addCommand("move(20)"); addCommand("penUp()"); addCommand("turnL()"); addCommand("move(10)"); addCommand("penDown()"); addCommand("turnL()"); addCommand("move(20)"); addCommand("turnR()"); addCommand("move(10)"); }

public void drawInitials() { //starts facing east, need to turn 180 degrees mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); //ready to draw the C now mrJoyce.drawC(); //pick up pen to move over for J mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move(20)"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); //begin drawing J mrJoyce.drawJ(); }

Getting there… One other issue with our code is a typical rookie mistake called magic numbers Numbers that appear and reappear in your code rather than using a variable Good: int pennies = 3; int nickels = 2; int dimes = 5; int quarters = 3; int loonies = 2; int twonies = 3; double total = 0.01*pennies *nickels *dimes *quarters + 1*loonies + 2*twonies; Bad: double total = 0.01* * * *3 + 1*2 + 2*3; Calculate the same thing What if number of coins changes? Which 3 do I change? Quarters can be reused in your program, with clarity, how about 3?

= new ; Turtle mrJoyce = new Turtle(); mrJoyce is the variable In Java, could be any name provided that: The first character is {a-z} | _ | $ The remaining characters {a-z} | {0-9} | _ | $ It is not a reserved word (int, class, public, void, etc.) Style 101 Like constants, programmers use a particular style for their variables Do not start with a capital (class names start with capitals) Use an underscore, _, between words or a capital letter mr_joyce or mrJoyce Should be a name that is appropriate to your code xg_10a15$243 could be used but what the heck are you talking about volume, height, age, size, pixels, width, etc. are much better Avoid numbering them a1, a2, a3,

/** * Draws a C in a given pixel block * Pre Conditions: *-Turtle has the penDown *-Turtle begins at the bottom right position of the C blockSize the number of pixels the C fill fit in * / public void drawC(int blockSize) { addCommand("move("+blockSize+")"); addCommand("turnR()"); addCommand("move("+blockSize+")"); addCommand("turnR()"); addCommand("move("+blockSize+")"); }

/** * Draws a J in a given pixel block * Pre Conditions: *-Turtle has the penDown *-Turtle begins at the top left position of the J blockSize the number of pixels the J fill fit in * / public void drawJ(int blockSize) { addCommand("move(" + blockSize + ")"); addCommand("penUp()"); addCommand("turnL()"); addCommand("move("+(blockSize/2)+")"); addCommand("penDown()"); addCommand("turnL()"); addCommand("move("+blockSize+")"); addCommand("turnR()"); addCommand("move("+(blockSize/2)+")"); }

For now, we’ll use Strings mostly for represent text Rather than manipulate text A String is a sequence of characters They are immutable – cannot be changed once created Can reassign a variable to a new value though (different memory) To join strings together you can use the “+” operator This is called concatenation The rules for string concatenation are simple String + = String + =

“1”+”2” = ? “3” + 5 = ? “7” + 9 = ? “5” = ? “3” “5” = ? “1” + ( ) + “5” + 6 = ?

public void drawInitials(int pixels) { //starts facing east, need to turn 180 degrees mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("turnL()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); //ready to draw the C now mrJoyce.drawC(pixels); //pick up pen to move over for J mrJoyce.addCommand("penUp()"); mrJoyce.addCommand("move("+pixels+")"); mrJoyce.addCommand("penDown()"); //begin drawing J mrJoyce.drawJ(pixels); }

Did you try the setPenColor method? It has two forms RGB color Color object Color is defined in java.awt.Color import java.awt.Color Importing libraries allows us to use other programmers code to build our software Let’s look at the Color class documentation to find the available colors

A convention that is widely used if not universal is to capitalize constants in your code. That way a programmer knows (by looking at it) that its value cannot be changed, only accessed Who owns the field? If it is shared by the entire class of objects it should be static. Example: Math.PI Color.BLUE

Adjust your initials to be drawn using a color (or several colors) other than black. Use both methods One with a Color, the other with 3 RGB values Use paint to find RGB values that you like

Objects Classes Method Signature Overloading Parameters Return types Access Fields Constants Importing libraries Variables Constructors Whitespace Blocks Comments Magic Numbers