Dropout Early Warning System (DEWS) Pilot Program Spring 2008
Purpose of Program To identify students who exhibit characteristics of dropping out and actively work with these students to prevent them from dropping out and increase their chance of completing high school
Dropout Early Warning System (DEWS) Reporting system that identifies potential dropouts and brings these students to the attention of school, district and state personnel.
Indicators/Triggers Used by DEWS to Identify At-risk Students Student attendance –Absent 10% of days enrolled Student course achievement –Current Year GPA ≤ 1.00 –Drop in GPA ≥ 0.50 Student behavior –Discipline count is 7% of days enrolled Student age
DEWS Reporting Capabilities Allows different levels of reporting. –Detailed student level –District summary chart –State summary chart Allows editing of triggers Linked to a notification System
Detailed Student Level Alphabetical listing of at-risk students by district Identifies data that placed students on the list Complete listing ed on the 1 st and 15 th of each month New student listing ed on other days
Student Level
District Summary School Level Number and Percent of students by category School listing within a District Two Reports –Grades 8-12 – green header –Grade 9 only – red header
District Summary School Level
Reporting Method Read-only Detailed reports ed to users (Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals, Counselors) Electronic summary reports generated by users –Available any time –Sort capability –Drill down to student level
Report Access Detailed student level –School –District Summary school level –School –District –State Summary district level –District –State (LDE)
DEWS PILOT PROGRAM Requirements for Schools Generate and Examine DEWS Reports –Develop process to “check” EWS data Is student really at-risk?? Is student newly at-risk?? –Determine distribution strategy (Consider FERPA) Develop an Intervention Program - Must include 9 th grade; may include other grades - Should focus on newly at-risk students
Dropout Intervention Program Interventions should be: Immediate Appropriate Sufficient Take advantage of electronic capabilities to notify parents, truancy officers, etc. Be integrated w/ Positive Behavior Support Program
Dropout Intervention Program Regional Workshops Regional Workshops for School Leadership Teams Purpose is to support development of intervention plan (sharing best practices) Organized by RESCs February-March Exact dates/locations TBA Participation optional
DEWS Pilot Program Deadlines $3700/$370 Allocations –Budgets and assurances due immediately –January 15 expiration date –February 8 reimbursement request deadline $3,000/$300 Allocations –Budgets and assurances due immediately –May 15 expiration date –May 31 reimbursement request deadline
DEWS Pilot Program Deadlines, cont. Final Reports –Due to LDE by May 31 –Report forms to be provided by LDE District level report School level report
RESOURCES Approaches to Dropout Prevention: Heeding Early Warning Signs With Appropriate Interventions, National High School Center What Matters for Staying on Track, Consortium for Research on Chicago Public Schools, University of Chicago Making Good on a Promise: What Policymakers Can Do to Support the Educational Persistence of Dropouts, Jobs for the Future
Questions??? Contact: Bobby Franklin