Cedar Hill High School National Honor Society What you need to know about the Cedar Hill High School chapter of National Honor Society
Why do I want to be in NHS? NHS sets a nationally recognized standard for excellence, and the honor of selection for membership improves a student’s standing with colleges and scholarship committees. NHS provides opportunities for service, leadership, and character development, all of which will aid in improving the local school environment. NHS members stand as examples for the entire student body, contributing to Longhorn Pride.
Who is eligible to apply? Any student with a cumulative 9.5 weighted GPA may complete an application. Student qualifications should encompass the four pillars of NHS (scholarship, leadership, service and character). An invitation letter to apply will not be sent. All information will be communicated through the CHHS NHS website.
How are students selected? Student applications are reviewed by a Faculty Council appointed by the Principal. The committee will review the application based on the four pillars of NHS. Students will receive a point value for their accomplishments under each pillar. If the student scores above a certain point value they will be asked to join NHS. Membership is not guaranteed based on GPA. The faculty council is asked to admit only those students with considerable leadership responsibilities, philanthropic involvement and strong character. Any application that is not completed will not be considered.
What can I do to prepare for the application? Member selection is based on the four pillars of the NHS (scholarship, leadership, service and character). As an interested student you should maintain higher grades, participate in leadership and service roles, and consistently exhibit good character. You should begin earning your service hours through community service and other organizations.
What is required of me if I become a member? Members are required to attend a monthly meeting. Non-attendance results in probation and possible dismissal. Members are required to earn a minimum of 40 service hours each year. Members are required to adhere to the guidelines set forth in the NHS by-laws. Members are required to pay a yearly membership fee of $10 due at time of application. Members are expected to continue to demonstrate a high level of integrity.
How do I fill out my application? You can download your application from our website Fill everything in completely, double check everything! Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Do not limit listings to the minimum requirements. Include all activities. The most common reason for non-acceptance is incomplete and/or vague applications. The description of your service and leadership is very important and it is up to you to use the space provided well. Assume the committee knows nothing about what you have done and include as much information as possible. A sample application is available for viewing on our website.
Scholarship Make sure that your GPA meets the minimum requirement. Keep on top of your grades and make sure that you do not fall below the minimum requirement. Higher GPA’s earn higher points towards membership.
Leadership List all school or community organizations in which you are or have been active during your high school years. If you hold or held an office or were a candidate for an office, indicate that fact. Being a member of an activity or athletics is not leadership. List any special recognition, awards, or honors (including scholarships) that you have received during high school.
Service Service activities are those which are done on behalf of others (not including immediate family members) for which no compensation has been given. Avoid the use of acronyms so that the Faculty Council can better understand the group you were involved with. Being involved in athletics is not service. The sponsors may verify your participation in the activities listed on the application and any erroneous or inaccurate information will disqualify you from admittance into NHS.
Character Character will be determined through teacher recommendations and discipline records. If you have had any referrals or other disciplinary actions (including excessive tardies) please include a detailed description to aid the faculty council in their decision.
Please print out, sign, and turn in with your application. I verify that all of the information presented in my application accurately represents my achievements. I understand that if my application is found to contain false or misleading information it will disqualify me from admittance into the NHS. I agree to allow the NHS sponsors and faculty council to review all of the information provided. I understand that the faculty selection data is confidential. Since the selection rating information is a temporary record, it will be destroyed upon completion of the selection process. I understand that all decisions regarding my acceptance or non- acceptance are final and there is no appeals process. I understand that I have already met the academic requirement for membership. In addition to the academic requirements, leadership and service, both in and outside of school, is required for membership. Character, leadership and service are equally weighted during the selection process. Although students who attain high academic achievement are to be commended, I understand that membership is not guaranteed to anyone strictly on the basis of GPA. I understand that if accepted and inducted that I am completely responsible for all aspects of my NHS membership. This includes, but is not limited to: keeping abreast of meeting dates/times, club events, service opportunities, documentation requirements, checking the NHS bulletin board weekly, and keeping the officers updated on any service hours or personal information changes. Include this page with your completed application. “I have seen the Cedar Hill NHS PowerPoint presentation, read the By- Laws, have had any questions I might have regarding membership requirements clarified and understand all the requirements for obtaining and maintaining membership in Cedar Hill’s NHS.” ________________________________ Candidate Signature ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Please attach your $10 check made our to Cedar Hill NHS for the membership fee. If you are not accepted the check will be returned to you. Applications without attached checks are incomplete and will not be reviewed.