Office of School Improvement Contractor Training Division Leadership Support Team (DLST) Meeting The College of William and Mary September 16, 2013
State Accountability Standards of Learning (SOL) Benchmarks SubjectPass Rate English75% Mathematics70% Social Studies70% Science70% Schools that do not meet the minimum pass rates for each content area assessment are rated Accredited with Warning
State Accountability Graduation and Completion Index Beginning with accreditation ratings announced in fall 2011, high schools were required to earn a minimum of 85 points on the Graduation and Completion Index—as well as achieve the required pass rates on state tests in English, history/social science, mathematics and science—to be Fully Accredited. The Graduation and Completion Index awards: 100 points for students who graduate with a diploma 75 points for students who earn a GED 70 points for students still in school 25 points for students who finish high school with a Certificate of Completion
State Accountability Graduation and Completion Index Benchmarks for Graduation and Completion Index and Rating of Provisionally Accredited-Graduation Rate Academic YearAccreditation YearPoint Value
5 Gap Group 1 Students with Disabilities English Language Learners Economically Disadvantaged Gap Group 2 Black Students Gap Group 3 Hispanic Students All Students Other Subgroups under Safeguard Students with Disabilities English Language Learners White Economically Disadvantaged Asian Federal Accountability System of Recognition, Accountability, and Support Lowest performing 5% of Title I schools in the “All Students” group are identified as Priority Schools – 36 schools Title I and non-Title I schools that did not meet an annual measurable objective are required to develop an improvement plan Lowest performing 10% of Title I schools in Proficiency Gap Group performance are identified as Focus Schools – 72 schools
The Office of School Improvement will work with: 97 school divisions Approximately 400 schools rated Accredited with Warning/Provisionally Accredited – Graduation Rate 37 priority schools 72 focus schools At-A-Glance
Changes in the OSI Communication Structure OSI Point of Contact Division Contact Person OSI Contractor Focus Schools Priority Schools Warned/Provisionally Accredited Title I/Non-Title Improvement Plan Required Schools
The OSI contractors will serve as the point of contact for their assigned school divisions. OSI Contractor Division Contact Warned/ Provisionally Accredited Priority Schools Focus Schools Title I/Non-Title I Improvement Plan Required Schools
Schools rated Accredited with Warning
School Requirements Undergo an academic review Develop and implement a school improvement plan including essential actions identified as a result of the academic review, and including the following nine components: 1.Description of how the school will meet the requirements to be Fully Accredited, for each of the years covered by the plan. 2.Specific measures for achieving and documenting student academic improvement. 3.A description of the amount of time in the school day devoted to instruction in the core academic areas. 4.Instructional practices designed to remediate students who have not been successful on SOL tests. 5.Intervention strategies designed to prevent further declines in student performance. 6.Staff development needed. 7.Strategies to involve and assist parents in raising their child’s academic performance 8.The need for flexibility or waivers to state or local regulations to meet the objectives of the plan. 9.A description of the manner in which local, state, and federal funds are used to support the implementation of the components of the plan. Adopt and implement a research-based intervention program (required for schools that are warned in English and/or mathematics) 10
Changes to the Academic Review Process Based on the results of the new SOL assessments in reading and mathematics, data indicate that a curriculum audit will be a priority for any division with schools rated Accredited with Warning. In , the academic review process will consist of a division- and school-level review of documents related to the written, taught, and tested curriculum. “The lack of excellence in American schools is not caused by ineffective teaching, but mostly by misaligning what teachers teach, what they intend to teach, and what they assess as having been taught” (Cohen, 1987) A “guaranteed and viable curriculum” is perhaps the most significant school factor that affects learning (Marzano, 2003). One of the six indicators of excellence in education is that teachers “know the learning intentions and success criteria” of what they are teaching (John Hattie, 2009).
A VDOE contractor will lead the review of division-level documents AND model the procedure for reviewing school-level documents for each of their assigned divisions. This will be a three-day process. Day 1-2The VDOE contractor will conduct/monitor the review of the division-level documents and review the schedule for division-led review of all schools rated Accredited with Warning. Day 1-2-3The VDOE contractor will facilitate the division-led review of school-level documents for one of the schools rated Accredited with Warning. The division will conduct the review for other schools Day 3, afternoon The VDOE contractor will support the division team with identifying the essential actions for each school and the division.
In a school division with schools rated Accredited with Warning, the OSI contractor will be responsible for: On-site Visits November Conducting the three-day division-level curriculum audit and modeling the procedures for conducting a school-level review of documents Reporting Early December Completing and submitting the division-level Report of Findings once the division has submitted the findings Reviewing and submitting the school-level Report of Findings completed by the division-level team Monitoring- January - June 30 Completing and submitting the division-level Follow-up Report Reviewing and submitting the school-level Follow-up Report completed by the division-level team
Federally-Sanctioned Schools The ultimate role of the OSI contractor in schools with state and federal sanctions is to ensure that all partners (i.e., LTP, contractors, division personnel) are focused on schools attaining full accreditation. Monitoring of interventions in Tier 1 and 2 are equally as important as Tier 3.
Priority Schools
Priority School Division Requirements Select an intervention model and external lead partner and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the LTP through a rigorous review Ensure that the school receiving funds implements one of the four USED models or USED turnaround principles Collaborate with a VDOE contractor to ensure the school’s reform is implemented with fidelity Convene a monthly, at minimum, division leadership team meeting including representatives of: Title I, instruction, special education, ELLs, principals of each priority school, LTP Ensure development, implementation and monitoring of a school improvement plan (SIP) that is aligned with the needs of each priority school Collect meeting minutes, professional development activities, strategies for extending learning opportunities, and parent activities as well as indicators of effective leadership and instructional practice; Identify a division-level representative to serve on the priority school’s improvement team and participate in OSI training sessions with the school Support modification of the school’s improvement plan based on quarterly data analysis and essential actions provided by the academic review. Base 40 percent of a principal’s evaluation on multiple measures of student academic progress Support school’s annual structured report to a VDOE-identified panel detailing the division’s support of the school’s planned modifications to the school’s improvement plan Participate in an annual monitoring visit by OSI staff Report division-level data to VDOE as required Participate in an annual monitoring visit, if selected
Priority School Requirements Convene a monthly, at minimum, school leadership team meeting, including a member of the division leadership team Develop, implement, and monitor a SIP that is aligned with identified needs Establish and monitor leading and lagging indicators Utilize a VDOE-approved adaptive reading assessment program to determine student growth at least quarterly Utilize the ARDT provided by the VDOE (required only for priority schools with grade 5 or higher) Develop an intervention strategy for all students who have failed an SOL assessment or failed to meet the fall Phonological Awareness and Literacy Screening (PALS) benchmarks Submit a quarterly report based on analysis of required points, at a minimum, that evidences strategic, data-driven decisions, and implementation of the needed interventions for identified students Ensure school improvement plan indicators are updated with tasks that reflect the action steps driven by data, including the required Priority School Quarterly Data Analysis Report and the essential actions provided by the academic review. Use the Virginia Early Warning System (VEWS) if the priority school is a high school not meeting the FGI rate Base 40 percent of a teacher’s evaluation on multiple measures of student academic progress Present an annual structured report on details of planned modifications to the school’s improvement plan based on preliminary SOL results and other data points to a VDOE- identified panel Report required school-level data to VDOE as required Participate in an annual monitoring visit, if selected
In school divisions with priority schools, the OSI contractor will be responsible for: Meetings Attending the monthly school leadership team Attending the quarterly division-level leadership team meeting Attending scheduled cohort trainings with the school team Attending scheduled DLST meetings at The College of William and Mary Communication Submitting monthly report to division contact and superintendent (after review by OSI) Technical Assistance Presenting information from the DLST meetings to the school leadership team Reviewing and provide feedback on school-level reports prior to submission (i.e., quarterly data analysis, leading indicator reports) On-site Visits Visiting school ½ day each month to monitor alignment of division, LTP and school’s support efforts with identified needs. Reporting Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report Monitoring Reviewing the alignment of tasks in the school’s improvement plan with identified data-driven needs including essential actions from the academic review. Reviewing the alignment of support effort from the division, LTP and school to initially identified and changing needs.
School Name - Division Division NameSchool Name The VDOE contractor assigned to divisions with priority schools will review reports prior to submission to VDOE for review through Indistar®.
For example, the OSI contractor assigned to divisions with priority schools will review the Priority School Quarterly Data Analysis Report prior to submission to VDOE for review through Indistar®. The OSI contractor will ensure “next steps” for earning full accreditation are documented as tasks in the school’s improvement plan.
The main responsibility of the OSI contractor assigned to divisions with priority schools will be to: 1)monitor the alignment of supports from the division, LTP and school as it relates to the school’s identified needs 2)ensure the transformation “work” is evidenced in the school improvement plan, meeting minutes and reports.
Part I. Alignment with Needs Review the current continuation application, current division- and school-level meeting minutes, school improvement plan tasks and any available school reviews (LTP, state, etc.). Review the essential actions to ensure the school is fully accredited and revise, if needed. Provide evidence as to whether the school-level, division-level and LTP’s improvement efforts are aligned with the identified needs. (Related Indistar® indicators/tasks should be used as evidence.) Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part I. Alignment of Needs (Sample) October Report (Due Nov. 1) School: Principal and administrative team meets with the teachers on designated day weekly: analyze data and plan next steps (G3). Principal requested support from LTP and division in math based on grade level team’s analysis of common formative assessments and recent benchmark results (misalignment). Request for instructional planning and delivery support in patterns/functions for 6 th and 7 th grade teachers (I3/I4). Division: Supported principal’s request, meeting with principal/LTP to assure that LTP’s specialist provides services by November 15 (support planning, development of model lessons and assessment development PD. Division added additional 2-day content training for all math teachers (B4/I3) on unpacking of standards. (The LTP attended the training.) Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part II. Development of Capacity for Sustainability Describe evidence of capacity being developed in the division, school and classroom. Indicate who is supporting the capacity development (i.e., LTP, OSI or other). – Detailed evidence may include professional development activities, modeling, leadership coaching, etc. (Related Indistar® indicators should be specified, if applicable.) Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part II. Development of Capacity for Sustainability (Sample) Division: Division level team revised the calendar for discussing analyzed data with school teams and developed next steps and support provided by the division leadership bi-weekly based on the assessment results (A2). (The VDOE Contractor will attend one of these meetings monthly.) The superintendent is requiring LTP school- level math support 4 days/week and has requested a report on the impact after the first month to be provided by the LTP and principal. (B4) School: Data meetings and lesson plan reviews held weekly (review student data from common assessments to plan for corrective instruction. The Principal and LTP’s classroom observations and supportive feedback will be focused on the math instructional block and math intervention (2xs/teacher/week minimum) (K3/K4). Improvement plans in place for teachers (3) after discussions with the division team have been reviewed by the division (H18/H22). Classroom: Some evidence of effective instruction being built supported by LTP and Principal. Principal sets expectation for teachers to review all student data and adjust instructional plans to focus on areas of weakness and report progress. Principal requires corrective action plan to be disaggregated for pre-assessments and post- assessments, breaking down the individual strands needing additional remediation, describing WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW LONG strategies/interventions will be in place (K5). Teachers received 2 professional development trainings from external contractors on student engagement provided by the division. (I9)
Part III. Interventions First month, enter comments regarding the fidelity of implementation of interventions as described in the application. Following months, describe any current modifications (identification, placement, monitoring, etc.). Include related Indistar® indicators, if applicable. (i.e., TA01, TA02, TA03) Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part III. Interventions (Sample) Interventions were modified this month based on recent analysis of common formative assessment results and first benchmark (including review of attendance and discipline and first student progress report) (K5) (TA01, TA02, TA03) Reading Tier II and selected Tier III: ____ one-on-one online tutoring program; ____ computer-based program 2 days/interventionist 1 day (30/45 mins/alternating block days) – moved targeted students to one-on-one online program and added interventionist 1 day/week Tier III: Additional intervention with specialists ( 30 mins/4 times per week); or ____ reading program – additional day per week Math Tier II and selected Tier III: ____ computer-based program, and/or ____ computer-based program (30/45 mins/alternating block days) – added new computer-based program for Tier III Tier III: small group intervention with tutor or teacher (30 minutes/4 times per week) – 1 additional day per week Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part IV. Sustainability Planning for sustainability of the school’s improvement is crucial and must begin with the initial implementation. As divisions and schools develop strategies for improvement efforts, it is essential that sustainability is considered when determining costs and timeframes for continuation of programs and each initiative considered by the school-level and division-level team. (Related Indistar® indicators should be specified, if applicable.) Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part IV. Sustainability (Sample) A phase out plan for the LTP has been discussed this month to include the need to continue building internal capacity by: improving corrective instruction to prepare for the phase out of supports, focusing on teacher led professional development, and identifying key areas of success between the school and LTP to replicate. Plans are evolving on how to distribute responsibilities of LTP Instructional Coach to lead teachers and part-time Title I specialist. Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part V. Recommendations Identify any barriers that impede school - or division-level improvement or full accreditation. Enter suggestions regarding any needed technical assistance for the division- and/or school-level teams, LTP or principal for the reporting month. Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Part V. Recommendations (Sample) consider providing principal more school autonomy in order to increase stakeholder engagement (B2). ensure division and LTP support school requests for professional development opportunities as identified by the school leadership team (B4) support the principal’s efforts to evaluate, reward, and remove staff when necessary and work towards reforming instruction. (B4) Procedures for Completing the Priority School VDOE Contractor Monthly Report
Focus Schools
Division Requirements Collaborate with an external VDOE contractor and participate in a needs sensing interview Convene a division leadership team including representatives of: – Title I – Instruction – Special education – English language learners – Principals of each focus school Meet as a division leadership team on a monthly basis Develop, implement, and monitor a division improvement plan that is aligned with the needs of each focus school Participate in quarterly meetings with focus schools to review data and make decisions about needed technical assistance Modify division improvement plan on a quarterly basis based on data analysis and essential actions provided to the divison from the academic review process. School Requirements Convene a school leadership team including a member of the division leadership team Utilize a VDOE-approved adaptive reading assessment program to determine student growth at least quarterly Utilize the Algebra Readiness Diagnostic Test (ARDT) provided by the VDOE (required only for focus schools with grade 5 or higher) Develop, implement, and monitor a school improvement plan Develop an intervention strategy for all students who have failed an SOL assessment or failed to meet the fall PALS benchmark Regularly analyze a variety of data points to make strategic, data-driven decisions, and implement the needed interventions for identified students Modify school improvement plan on a quarterly basis based on data analysis and if warned, essential actions provided to the school from the academic review process. 33
In a school division with focus schools, the OSI contractor will be responsible for: Meetings Attending the monthly division leadership team meetings Attending the monthly division leadership support team (DLST) meetings at The College of William and Mary Communication Posting frequent updates for their assigned division teams via the Indistar® Bulletin Board Technical Assistance Presenting information from the monthly DLST meetings to the division leadership team Providing information regarding available VDOE resources On-site Visits Visiting each focus school for ½ day each month to conduct observations of classroom instruction followed by feedback to the division leadership team as evidenced in the division meeting minutes Reporting Completing the quarterly Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) Progress Monitoring Report for Focus Schools Monitoring Reviewing the division-level improvement plan and entering monthly coaching comments via Indistar® on a monthly basis Reviewing the quarterly data for focus schools and making recommendations for subsequent actions including essential actions from the academic review
The OSI contractor assigned to divisions with focus schools will implement the protocol for monthly division leadership team meetings.
10/22/ Process for Monitoring Improvement Plans Division Improvement PlanSchool Improvement Plan Division leadership team members are responsible for entering status comments for each task on a monthly basis. The VDOE-assigned contractor will be required to enter Coaching Comments via the Indistar® Main Menu regarding implementation of the division’s improvement plan on a monthly basis. School leadership team members are responsible for entering status comments for each task on a monthly basis. The division leadership team member assigned to the focus school will be required to enter Coaching Comments via the Indistar® Main Menu regarding implementation of the school’s improvement plan on a monthly basis. Note: This will replace the rubric for focus schools.
What should be included in status comments for each task? Monthly/Quarterly dates indicating when individual tasks were monitored. The frequency is dependent upon the frequency- level entered when the task was developed. A description of what occurred when the individual tasks were implemented. A description of the next steps for the school/division leadership team.
October 17, On October 17, 2012, the Happy Town division leadership team conducted a planning meeting to develop a timeline for training Happy Hills teachers to begin implementing the Roaring Reader and Magnificent Math intervention programs. The building principal suggested conducting the training in two day sessions at the request of the teachers. Assistance with securing substitute teachers is needed from the division. John Mackerel will follow up with the team. November 1, The two day training has been scheduled for November 29-30, 2012 and December 6-7, Kindergarten - second grade teachers will participate on November 29, 2012 and December 6, Third - fifth grade teachers will participate on November 30, 2012 and December 7, December 10, All teachers have received training regarding the Roaring Reader and Magnificent Math intervention programs. The division liaison, Dr. Boyd Doe, attended two sessions. The special education teachers requested an additional session to assist them with implementing the programs with their students and possibly making a few modifications. Monitoring Date Description of what occurred Description of next steps
10/22/ Procedures for Entering and Responding to Coaching Comments Division-levelSchool-level The OSI contractor will enter coaching comments regarding the following: Implementation of tasks Monitoring of tasks Needed essential actions from the academic review. Preparations for upcoming meetings Suggestions/commendations to the division leadership team Next steps Within one week, the division leadership team will respond to the comments posted by the VDOE-assigned division liaison. The division leadership team member assigned to the school will enter coaching comments regarding the following: Implementation of tasks Monitoring of tasks Needed essential actions from the academic review Preparations for upcoming meetings Suggestions/commendations to the school leadership team Next steps Within one week, the school leadership team will respond to the comments posted by the division leadership team member assigned to the school.
Coaching Comments Coaching Comments Make it Easy and Automatic for Teams to Communicate with their Coaches
The OSI contractor will enter the Indistar® Dashboard using his/her log-in and password. The dashboard will contain the list of assigned school divisions. In addition, the new Coach Bulletin Board is also located on this page.
To begin the process, the OSI contractor will log-on to Indistar® and enter the division’s Main Menu.
The OSI contractor will access the Coaching Comment feature from the new Navigation Toolbar.
Procedures for Entering Coaching Comments for a Division Team Examples: Your improvement team did a great job developing a school-specific matrix for identifying students at each tier. This will ensure consistency throughout the building. I am looking forward to our upcoming meeting to discuss students who have been identified for Tier 2 and 3 interventions in reading. I have reviewed the status comments for tasks associated with indicator TA03. It appears that the Student Intervention Team process is quite successful based on the movement of 15% of your students from a Tier 3 intervention level to a Tier 2 intervention level in reading. Step 1: The designated coach will review the division improvement plan, and enter detailed comments about the areas of strength (“glows”).
Procedures for Entering Coaching Comments for a Division Team Examples: How is your division leadership team planning to provide support to Happy Town ES regarding implementation of extended planning time for each grade-level? This task was recently added to their school improvement plan. Have you considered the possibility of adding a task to the division’s improvement plan regarding this? Based on the low attendance at the Happy Hills After-School Tutorial Program as reported in your status comments for task 3 (TA02), what alternatives have your team members discussed? Would you like to add this as an agenda item for next week’s meeting? Step 2: The designated division coach will ask probing questions about the series of tasks or status comments.
Procedures for Entering Coaching Comments for a Division Team Examples: During the quarterly data review meetings with schools, it would be helpful to have a copy of the division’s improvement plan available. This will assist your division team with ensuring that tasks are evaluated and revised based on student performance data. While reviewing the school improvement plan tasks for indicator TA02, I noted that tasks associated with interventions for students only included references to programs. Your team may want to consider adding a task regarding professional development for teachers to assist them with providing Tier 2 interventions. This will build their capacity. Step 3: The designated division coach will include detailed information about areas for improvement (“grows”).
Procedures for Entering Coaching Comments for a Division Team Examples: Prior to our upcoming meeting, please review with your staff members the status of tasks for indicator IF08. Based on the monitoring comments, there appears to be a need for additional professional development regarding use of virtual manipulatives. You may enter comments relative to the discussion into the monitoring component of your plan. Jane Doe is scheduled to join us for the meeting in an effort to provide additional math support to your teachers. It appears that your improvement team has completed all tasks associated with indicator IA13. Please revisit the “Create Division Plan” component and determine whether the description entered under “How will it look when fully implemented?” accurately describes the current state of implementation. Step 4: The designated division coach will suggest next steps for the improvement team to complete.
10/22/ Sample Coaching Comments entered into Indistar®, and the leadership team’s replies.
On a quarterly basis, OSI contractors assigned to divisions with focus schools will complete a ESEA Progress Monitoring Report for Focus Schools. The purpose of the report is to monitor the division and school’s implementation of the ESEA flexibility requirements regarding interventions for students at risk of failure.
Title I Improvement Plan Required Schools
Division Requirements Assign a division staff person to the school leadership team Ensure that the school improvement plan is monitored and feedback provided through the use of monthly Coaching Comments provided by the division staff person assigned to the school leadership team School Requirements Convene a school leadership team including a member of the division staff Develop, implement, and monitor a school improvement plan using Indistar that includes the essential actions from the academic review if the school is accredited with warning; processes for identifying students in need of targeted interventions; assigning tiered, research-based interventions to identified students; and monitoring the effectiveness of those interventions Submit school improvement plans via the Indistar® Dashboard on a quarterly basis. Use the Virginia Early Warning System (VEWS) to plan, monitor, and implement a plan for improvement (this requirement only applies to Title I high schools that do not meet the federal graduation indicator rate)Virginia Early Warning System (VEWS) 51
Non-Title I Improvement Plan Required Schools
Division Requirements Assign a division staff person to the school leadership team Monitor school improvement plans for Non- Title I schools not meeting the AMOs or federal graduation indicator. The school and school division must be prepared to demonstrate evidence of a planning process that includes the required components. School Requirements Convene a school leadership team including a member of the division staff Develop, implement, and monitor a school improvement plan that includes processes for identifying students in need of targeted interventions; assigning tiered, research-based interventions to identified students; and monitoring the effectiveness of those interventions. Plan includes minutes and agendas of school leadership team meetings. (Indistar optional) 53
In a school division with Title I/non-Title I improvement plan required schools, the OSI contractor will be responsible for: Monitoring for Title I and non-Title I improvement plan required schools using Indistar The division staff person assigned to monitor the school improvement planning process will provide monthly coaching comments on the school’s Indistar dashboard. As evidenced in the minutes of the quarterly division meeting, the OSI contractor will verify that the coaching comments have been entered on the school’s Indistar plan Monitoring for non- Title I improvement plan required schools not using Indistar As evidenced in the minutes of the quarterly division meeting, the OSI contractor will verify that the division is monitoring the school improvement planning process.
10/22/ Technical Assistance for Divisions and Schools
10/22/ A series of instructional videos regarding use of the Indistar® Web-based planning tool have been posted at: Worksheets for each video as well as an Indistar® User Guide will also be posted at this location. The videos are generic in nature so any school using the tool may view them.
10/22/ During the school year, school and/or division leadership teams may participate in School Improvement Support Session (SISS) webinars. These voluntary sessions will focus on the basic components of the Indistar® Web-based planning tool and improvement planning processes. Participants will have an opportunity ask questions and receive technical assistance. All sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. Dates: September 26, 2013 October 17, 2013 November 21, 2013 January 16, 2014 February 20, 2014 March 20, 2014
10/22/ Information regarding requirements for schools may be found at:
10/22/ Differentiated Technical Assistance Team (DTAT) documents may be accessed at:
10/22/ Parental Notification A-16. What is the role of parents and the broader community in developing a request for, and then implementing, ESEA flexibility? An SEA developing a request for ESEA flexibility must meaningfully engage and solicit input from teachers and their representatives, as well as diverse stakeholders, such as students, parents, community-based organizations, civil rights organizations, organizations representing students with disabilities and English Learners, business organizations, and Indian tribes (see D-2). An SEA must also consult with its Committee of Practitioners, which includes parents, regarding the information set forth in its request (see D-3). If the SEA’s request for flexibility is granted, an LEA with one or more priority schools must seek input from families and the community in selecting the meaningful interventions aligned with the turnaround principles that will be implemented in these schools. Additionally, an LEA’s interventions in priority schools must include ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement (see C-37). Under ESEA flexibility, parents will continue to receive information on their children’s progress in meeting State academic achievement standards as well as their school’s success in helping all students meet those standards. Parents will know whether their children’s schools are succeeding, by being identified as reward schools, or falling short, by being identified as priority or focus schools. When schools fall short, parents can be assured that school leaders will adopt strategies focused on school needs and targeted towards the students most at risk.
The main focus for is to ensure that all schools earn full accreditation.
Office of School Improvement Matrix