KAIST CS712 병렬처리 특강 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 Syllabus Network & Security Lab.
CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 Class outline Goal To understand the state of the art technologies in Wireless Sensor Networks and Network Security Topics Wireless Sensor Network Wireless Network Security Issues Web Security Issues 2 / 8
Class outline Class Hour and Classroom TUE&THU 1:00-2:30 pm, #3444 ( 제 5 강의실 ) Course description Key papers for each subject (Scheduled at random) Two presentation for each person, 2 or 3 presentation each class Presentation material must be uploaded to web board at least a day ahead the class Submit critique before starting the class Problem definition, Key idea, Weak point, Improving point, etc. Subject : _ _ 홍길동, File name : _ _ 홍길 동.doc CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 3 / 8
Class outline Research topics for individual paper writing Wireless Sensor Networks Energy-efficient routing control, clustering and topology control Positioning and localization, data aggregation algorithms Wireless Network Security Distributed(Central) and multi-hop authentication, Efficient key management Web Security The Method for resolving Client-Side Security Issues Project Proposal Due : October CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 4 / 8
Class outline Grading No exam Critiques Presentations (Peer Review) Term project Teaching assistant 이민수 (mslee { ⓐ } nslab.kaist.ac.kr) CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 5 / 8
Mobile Sensor Networks Sensors may be enhanced with mobility Mobile Sensor may be more powerful and can re-charge themselves autom atically Robot area, CarTel, Surveillance ecosystem… Resilient to failures, Reactive to events, Support disparate missions Research Directions on Mobile Sensor Networks Improve network topology, WSN deployment, WSN fault diagnosis Enhance sensing and routing in WSN Applications CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 6 / 8
WSN Security Limited Resources - Memory, Storage Space, Power Energy Unreliable Communication Unreliable Transfer, Conflicts, Latency, Physical Attacks,… Have to satisfy security requirements in the limited resource Data confidentiality, integrity, freshness, authentication… Applications Measure humidity, temperature, pressure Detect nuclear, biological, chemical attacks Detect fire, flood, earth-quake, environment pollution Military, health and security applications CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향 7 / 8
Web Security Issues The attack of targeting the web clients is to be increasing The attacks collect the user privacy information and use the his computing resources Existing prevention methods in server-side can not prevent it. Phishing, Spyware, XSS Attacks The Method for resolving Client-Side Security Issues Anti-Phishing Approaches Phishing Detection, Authentication Method for web environments Anti-Spyware Approaches Spyware detection The Novel Browser Security Model To adjust Security Policy in user’s browser 8 / 8 CS712 병렬처리 특강 – 차세대 센서 네트워크 및 네트워크 보안 동향