Gerry Crispin CareerXroads Staffing Future Trends in Staffing: Dot Jobs, Staffing Blogs, Networking Applications and More
What do the “playing fields” where candidates and employers meet look like? How do job seekers “game” their next career move? How do employers “brand” themselves as a place to work? How are prospects: “candidates”, “applicants” and “silver medalists” treated? How will companies “map” and “track” their prospect supply chain.
16,000,000 – 75 – 33 – 74,000 – 16,000 – The Face of the Problem
“The search for better, more qualified candidates, from the presidents of our largest public firms down to our front-line, service workers, was never more critical than it is now.” “And more than ever before is the demand for quality hires in excess of the supply.” “What we are all looking for, however, is the ready- made, fully-qualified candidate; the person whom someone else has trained.” Frederick Winslow Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management, 1911 Perspective
Business Strategy: Selection Strategy: Investment Strategy: Staffing Trends Are Converging Organize Staffing to build and maintain Pipelines that feed your business Improve The Candidate Experience to ensure top talent chooses your firm Map, Measure and Analyze the staffing Supply Chain.
Pipelines VS Open Positions
The Candidate Experience is Driven by Customer Realities
The most qualified job seekers have a choice. Their experience of your company influences their choice So, would your candidates say this about you? I recognized people like ME at your site Quality Candidates I understand now WHY people join you and… stay for awhile. I got the Information I needed to make a good decision about my career I was treated with respect… even when you turned me down.
2007 Best Websites (Fortune 500) Merck Microsoft P&G Proctor & Gamble Progress Energy Progressive Sherwin Williams St. Paul Travelers Staples Starbucks Target Thrivent Finan. For Lutherans United Parcel Service Wellpoint Whirlpool Xerox Yum 3M Agilent Technologies Bank of America Capital One Centex Chevron Texaco Dell Computer DTE Energy FedEx Fluor Ford General Electric General Mills General Motors Home Depot Intel Lilly Lockheed Martin Macy's
James Knee Cricket
We Wish You Good HUNTING! To reach Gerry
Skill shortages force corporate-cultural changes Corporations are transparent Experience is in critical demand Individuals have rights to their data Online, collaborative, self-service tools are common place Demographic Global Technology Political Economic Environmental Highly Distributed Centers of Excellence What does the climate for Staffing look like NOW AND 1, 5, 10 years out?
Russian Background Check