Local Association Name Insert your local name here A local affiliate of the International Association of Insurance Professionals
Our Mission Statement IAIP serves its members by providing professional education, an environment in which to build business alliances and the opportunity to make connections with people of differing career paths and levels of experience within the insurance industry. IAIP membership is open to all professionals in the insurance and risk management industries who strive for and practice professionalism, regardless of their career level. IAIP fosters and encourages diversity, offering a network for members in all career categories, all lines of insurance and all cultural and diverse backgrounds. IAIP promotes mentoring, acceptance of change, personal growth and flexibility of participation. The IAIP governance and the operational management exist to enable the association to carry out it's mission.
Organization History Started in 1938 by Elsie B Mayer and C. Bertha Rachofsky with 9 others in Denver CO The organization was formed to promote insurance education and fellowship to its members. To recognize Canadian members, the word “international” was added to the official name in 1967.
Association Structure Region __ Structure __ Councils __ Local Associations International Association 9 Regions 48 Councils 275 Local Associations
Our members benefit by: Educational Opportunities Leadership Development Opportunity to enhance your career Participating in industry and community outreach
Additional Benefits Networking Recognition Member Discount Programs Scholarships
Enhance Professionalism: Certified Insurance Industry Professional (CIIP) Diversified Advanced Education (DAE) Insurance Professional of the Year Claims Professional of the Year Underwriting Professional of the Year Rookie of the Year Risk Management Professional of the Year Confidence While Communicating Speak-off
Invest in Yourself Develop your career path and personal skills Leadership Development Professional Skills Insurance Education Inform the public about the industry and association Industry Advocacy Community Service
Communications Online Community through website Today’s Insurance Professional Magazine Connections E-Newsletter Local Association Newsletter
Our Accomplishments List Local Association Awards List members that have won regional or national awards # of insurance designations held among our local members
Monthly Meetings When Networking (time) Dinner (time) Meeting (time) Wrap up by (time) Location(s)
Past Programs List them here
Upcoming Programs List them here
Our Member Employers List them here to show diversity among your members (company, agency, etc.)
Employer Support Insert an employer statement of your local association support (the benefits that being a member of IAIP brings to the employer, etc)
Our strategic planning We have a Strategic Plan to support our mission We have a plan to support each of our goals We have a timeline to achieve these tasks We have a means to monitor the development of each facet of the plan
Our Environment Mentoring Opportunity to network/Fellowship Non-judgmental Invisible career levels within the organization
Local Association Committee Opportunities List a good cross section of your local association committees (don’t list all)
Show photos of members interacting within the community, etc.
Association Conferences Local(Location & Date) Council Location & Date RegionalLocation & Date InternationalLocation & Date
Conferences Insert photos of members participating in various aspects of the different levels of conferences.
Our Board of Directors: President President-Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board Members
Learn more at… International Website Also list your local association and council websites