ICOLC Las Vegas March 28, 2003 TDNet E-Management Services for Consortia From E-Journals to E-Resources Michael Markwith President, TDNet Inc
Today’s Presentation: “We are interested in…..” “ your firm ’ s ability to provide serials management and access services through consortia ” “ your firm ’ s ability to provide serials management and access services through consortia ” “ how your business model can maximize our member libraries ’ use of electronic journal resources ” “ how your business model can maximize our member libraries ’ use of electronic journal resources ” “ journal resolver/linker capabilities you have developed since you last attended an ICOLC meeting ” (ie April 2001). “ journal resolver/linker capabilities you have developed since you last attended an ICOLC meeting ” (ie April 2001). tom tom
TDNet From e-Journals to e-Resources Management: From e-Journals to e-Resources Management: TDNet in 2001 First sales of e-journals management First sales of e-journals management system in US Improve linking at Journal and article Improve linking at Journal and article level to ”Appropriate Copies” TDNet in 2003 TES – TDNet e-Resources Searcher launch: TES – TDNet e-Resources Searcher launch: All databases – all search strategies All databases – all search strategies Automatic categorization Automatic categorization Automatic text analysis Automatic text analysis TDNet in 2002 Improved E-Journal system performance Improved E-Journal system performance and customer based enhancements Developed data only services Developed data only services Open URL target Open URL target
TDNet E-Journals Management and Access Services E-Journal management and access E-Journal management and access Union listing Union listing Data only Data only Consortia business model Consortia business model
E-Journal Management & Access: USC Case Study E-Journals Management for titles licensed to all libraries in USC system (9) E-Journals Management for titles licensed to all libraries in USC system (9) Single interface w/IP differentiation for each branch campus Single interface w/IP differentiation for each branch campus Unique titles included for each campus Unique titles included for each campus Statistics for individual campus libraries and overall usage Statistics for individual campus libraries and overall usage
Union Listing: NHS Case Study Multiple libraries Multiple libraries Single interface Single interface Resource sharing using document delivery and ILL functionality Resource sharing using document delivery and ILL functionality
Other Consortia Agreements Five Colleges Five Colleges TexShare TexShare MALMAD (Israel Academic Libraries) MALMAD (Israel Academic Libraries) WHO WHO SAREL (Hospital Libraries) SAREL (Hospital Libraries)
Data Only : Build It Yourself License TDNet Data (URL, Coverage, Publisher, Provider) License TDNet Data (URL, Coverage, Publisher, Provider) Update and manage unique collections in all member or branch campus libraries Update and manage unique collections in all member or branch campus libraries Create locally controlled interface for user access Create locally controlled interface for user access Populate proxy servers, open url resolver servers, other group requirements Populate proxy servers, open url resolver servers, other group requirements
Data Only: Catalog Maintenance Services MARC format files now available MARC format files now available CONSER or brief records CONSER or brief records Change files (all formats): Change files (all formats): Adds (new titles) Adds (new titles) Already in catalog Already in catalog Need to create new records Need to create new records Deletes (i.e. titles removed from packages) Deletes (i.e. titles removed from packages) Changes Changes URL, title change, coverage, etc URL, title change, coverage, etc
TDNet Business Model: Consortia Pricing for E-Journal Management Pricing based on unique title count within consortia Pricing based on unique title count within consortia $1,000 – $3,000 per site additional $1,000 – $3,000 per site additional Included in price: Included in price: Statistics Report Generator Statistics Report Generator Document Delivery & ILL Document Delivery & ILL Catalog Maintenance Service Catalog Maintenance Service
TDNet Journals Management - Consortia Pricing (EXAMPLE) Based on consortium of 10 libraries with total 10,000 unique e-journal titles Based on consortium of 10 libraries with total 10,000 unique e-journal titles Total subscription price for consortium: $ 40,000 Total subscription price for consortium: $ 40,000 Price for each library: $4,000 Price for each library: $4,000
Journal Resolver/linker Capabilities The TDNet Vision for electronic resources management
eDocs, eMedia TDNet E-Resource Management Solutions Free Web eBooks eJournals TES– TDNet E resources Searcher OPACs Databases
TES Unique Features Searches every database - not limited to z39.50, OpenURL, etc Searches every database - not limited to z39.50, OpenURL, etc Full text document analysis Full text document analysis On the fly/real time categorization On the fly/real time categorization Creation of related terms and concepts – context, rather than thesaurus sensitive Creation of related terms and concepts – context, rather than thesaurus sensitive
Meta Searching Engines TES – TDNet e Resources Searcher Other Engines Categorization Automatic Categorization: Headers created on the fly Headers created on the fly Related concepts extracted Related concepts extracted Usually based on pre-defined subject headings or taxonomies Text analysis Deep analysis of Full – Text Deep analysis of Full – Text Contextual as well as taxonomy based Contextual as well as taxonomy based Skin analysis (title level) Skin analysis (title level) Taxonomy based Taxonomy based Ease of implementation Automatic and contextual analysis and categorization result in easy implementation Needs extensive resources in order to build and maintain good taxonomy : Expensive, time consuming and difficult to implement
Open URL Source XML Links Resolver Search OpenURL OpenURL output is standardized. Need to specify “Zone” (i.e. DOI) and needs to be sent to resolver. Target Source and target MUST be compliant Need to Feed and maintain holdings data, coverage and links
Non Compliant Sources TES OpenURL Compliant Sources Target Links SQL query Search TDNet Holdings database already links to all targets available to library TDNet Holdings Metadata Linked to Targets SQL query checks holdings for library and retrieves all appropriate links TES search results (output): Unified format. Indifferent to source and target structures No Dedicated link server is required
Link Resolving Table OpenURL TES – TDNet eResources Searcher Compliance Source and Target MUST be OpenURL compliant Independent of standards LinkResolving Link resolver needs to be populated: Holdings Holdings Coverage date Coverage date Local identifiers (I.e. article id) Local identifiers (I.e. article id) System queries TDNet holdings database for appropriate copy link retrieval Reliability Inaccurate, outdated or incomplete data in link resolver may result in dead links Links are accurately created and stored for further use
TES Unique Features Searches every database - not limited to z39.50, OpenURL, etc Searches every database - not limited to z39.50, OpenURL, etc Full text document analysis Full text document analysis On the fly/real time categorization On the fly/real time categorization Creation of related terms and concepts – context, rather than thesaurus sensitive Creation of related terms and concepts – context, rather than thesaurus sensitive Complete link resolving by TDNet without maintaining local server Complete link resolving by TDNet without maintaining local server
TES Business Model for Consortia Annual subscription: Annual subscription: $ 20,000 plus $5,000 per member library $ 20,000 plus $5,000 per member library THAT IS: for consortia of 10 libraries $7,000 each THAT IS: for consortia of 10 libraries $7,000 each
Thank you …. You are grilling ……….. Michael Markwith Phone: