Responsible Business Directory Ukraine
2 The main objectives of the initiative To promote socially responsible businesses and show how their investment in CSR is beneficial for the business and for the society To take stock of existing CSR practices in Ukraine and accumulate examples of socially responsible business behavior Provide valuable contact information for potential partnerships
3 The Responsible Business Directory: description An annual publication Companies’ CSR profiles, listed by industry sector Government commitment to CSR Published in Ukrainian and English language
4 Main categories of the company’s CSR profile Attitude towards employees and work place Involvement with environment protection Involvement with community Company practice of business ethics
5 Products and distribution channels Main products: - Printed publication/CDs - On-line publication Distribution channels National: - Through business associations - Through GC network International: - Through the commercial departments of Ukrainian embassies abroad - Through GC networks in other countries - Through leading business networks in Europe
6 Main approach applied Partnership with leading business membership organizations Individual work with GC members Advertisements in business media General promotion of the initiative at conferences and forums and other events Opportunity for commercial advertisement for the participants
7 Challenges faced Lack of committed action from the partners Businesses overloaded with surveys Political sensitiveness of the topic Negative influence of similar initiatives historically