Metrics Lessons Learned Managing Risks Howard Hays, MD, MSPH Medical Informatics Consultant Carolyn Johnson, RPh, CAC
Today’s Presentation Metrics: Productivity Productivity Patient Care / GPRA Patient Care / GPRA Collections Collections Lessons Learned / Managing Risks
Productivity Metrics
Provider Productivity All sites see a transient decrease in provider productivity (pts/day) at first Typically takes 1-3 months to recover to pre-EHR levels Mitigate by staggering implementation, either by provider or by function, or both Efficiencies in other areas (phone calls, chart reviews) can improve productivity
Provider Productivity (Site A) EHR
Site C Productivity
Patient Care Metrics
Medication Errors (Site A) EHR
Pharmacy Waiting (Site D)
GPRA Indicator - Flu Vaccine 65+ (Site A) EHR
GPRA Indicator – Pneumovax over 65 y/o
GPRA Indicator – DV Screen Age (Site A) EHR
GPRA Indicator – Tobacco Assessment (Site A) EHR
GPRA Indicator – Medication Education (Site A) EHR
GPRA Indicator – BMI 2-74 y/o (Site A) EHR
GPRA Indicators – 1 st Qtr ‘05 (Site C)
Collections Metrics
EHR Creates the Potential to Increase Collections Due to: More Complete documentation with templates Provider notifications – received automatically if they forget to enter POVs or codes Superbills, ICD/CPT Pick Lists – make it easier to find correct codes Coding Tools and Training with EHR
Automatic Notifications
Superbill link to Billing RPMS Billing Package
Coding Tools in EHR Links to coding sites, reference guides, E&M Coder
Medicare/Medicaid/PI Collections 10% increase
Itemized Billing Collections Partial EHR Year 22% increase
Medicaid Collections (Site B) 16% Increase from FY03 to FY04
PI collections (Site B) 29.9 % Increase from FY03 to FY04
Podiatry Billing (Site D)
Optometry Billing (Site D)
Identifying and Managing Risks The Good The Bad The Ugly
Lessons Learned / Managing Risks Unsigned notes/orders are invisible Med Rec Supervisor should run “unsigned notes/orders report” daily Med Rec Supervisor should run “unsigned notes/orders report” daily Server room environment is critical Backup generator Backup generator Backup cooling system Backup cooling system Decreased provider productivity at first Planned / staggered implementation Planned / staggered implementation Monitor and adjust Monitor and adjust Tweak templates to facilitate rapid documentation Tweak templates to facilitate rapid documentation Future – dictation / voice recognition for some notes Future – dictation / voice recognition for some notes Management plan for staffing changes Proactive business process plan Proactive business process plan Medical Records role changes Medical Records role changes
Lessons Learned / Managing Risks HIPAA/Privacy: Use of CHAT instead of BROADCAST Use of CHAT instead of BROADCAST GPRA/CRS: Be consistent: Be consistent: Who enters each data elementWho enters each data element Where/How data is enteredWhere/How data is entered Incorporate Cheat Sheets in Your EHRIncorporate Cheat Sheets in Your EHR Medication Order Errors/Frustration at startup Use Pharmacy Quick Orders Use Pharmacy Quick Orders
Lessons Learned / Managing Risks Lengthy PCC Error Report (everyone wants to start the visit) Keep a pulse on the error reports Keep a pulse on the error reports Fixed by patches (soon!) Fixed by patches (soon!) Train providers on visit creation Train providers on visit creation Ongoing Cost of Ergonomics, Computers Go-live is just the beginning – continue to meet and train regularly afterward Template approval process in place Cutting & Pasting can transfer patient A’s data into patient B’s chart
EHR-The Wave of Change Think of EHR as a tidal wave of change…. How do YOU react to change? 1. D o nothing….. 2. R un….. 3. R ide the Wave!!