TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Joint ITU-T & 8th African SNO Workshop Theme: METRICS - Update on the last International SNO (Swaziland) Malaquias E. Macaringue Network Management Division Telecomunicações de Moçambique, S A 22 September 2014 – Zanzibar, Tanzania
TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Agenda: Background Where we are Way forward
TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Brief summary of Topic Group meeting. The Topic is related to Quality of Service and Quality of Experience, and we know that there are many parameters to be monitored (Technical KPIs and Service KPIs), and some are more relevant than others. In order to make this information collection possible, we need to ensure that we have the necessary tools in place (network management systems, service robots, probes, etc.
TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Brief summary of Topic Group meeting. In order to manage the topic better and make it more clear we divide it into Fixed - Network availability, Mobile - Call drops, CSSR, CCR, etc Transmission o Microwave - Error seconds, etc o Optical Fibers - Bit errors Transport and IP - Packet loss, latency, Jitter, etc Technical environment - Power supplier, rectifiers, AC, Genset, etc Customer perspective Service robots, quality and reliable services Suppliers / Vendors - SLAs
TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Problem statement Most of the metrics are not available from the system, Challenge to define the threshold for the metrics, Different formula / algorithm for the same metrics, The metrics be customer driven not vendor driven, Difficult to guarantee SLAs to the customers.
TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Action Taken BJ Taylor liaison with Evelyn (headed the Team in 2013) to share the information already available. Evelyn sent available information to the Team. Information shared among the Team and other colleagues. Discussion taken to classify and categorize the information to be ease to use.
TELECOMUNICAÇÕES DE MOÇAMBIQUE, SA Actions to be taken The group will continue working through electronic means to exchange and share information on this matter. Definition of the Metrics to make it clear and understood (they need modification, addition, amendments, …). Identify the specific equipment used by different entities - Survey to find out what is being used in the SADC region. o What metrics are they measuring? o What tools are they using to collect the information? o Are they using the same formula / algorithm? Create a dashboard of the metrics used in the region – SATA
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