Jesus, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word; Here, in thine own appointed way, We come to meet thee, Lord.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word; Here, in thine own appointed way, We come to meet thee, Lord.

Our hearts we open wide To make the Saviour room; And lo! The Lamb, the Crucified, The sinners' friend is come!

His presence makes the feast; And now our spirits feel The glory not to be expressed, The joy unspeakable.

With pure celestial bliss He doth our spirits cheer; His house of banqueting is this, And he hath brought us here.

He bids us drink and eat Imperishable food; He gives his flesh to be our meat, And bids us drink his blood.

Whate'er the Almighty can To pardon sinners give, The fullness of our God made man We here with Christ receive. Charles Wesley ( )