Strategic Plan 2013/14 – 2017/18 and Annual Performance Plan 2013/14 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 16 April 2013
2 Vision and Mission Vision To be a pre-eminent leader in electoral democracy. Mission The Electoral Commission is an independent constitutional body which manages free and fair elections of legislative bodies and institutions through the participation of citizens, political parties and civil society in deepening electoral democracy.
3 Organisational Values To enable the Electoral Commission to serve the needs of stakeholders, including the electorate, political parties, the media and permanent and temporary staff, the organisation subscribes to the following organisational values: Impartiality Integrity Accountability Transparency Participation Responsiveness Respect
4 Legislative and other mandates In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must:- manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies in accordance with national legislation; ensure that those elections are free and fair; and declare the results of those elections within a period that must be prescribed by national legislation and that is as short as reasonably possible.
The duties and functions of the Electoral Commission are defined in section 5 of the Electoral Commission Act, These include to:– manage any election; ensure that any election is free and fair; promote conditions conducive to free and fair elections; promote knowledge of sound and democratic electoral processes; compile and maintain a voters' roll by means of a system of registering eligible voters by utilising data available from government sources and information furnished by voters; 5 Legislative and other mandates …continued
compile and maintain a register of parties; establish and maintain liaison and co-operation with parties; undertake and promote research into electoral matters; develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government; continuously review electoral legislation and proposed electoral legislation, and to make recommendations in connection therewith; promote voter education; 6 Legislative and other mandates …continued
promote co-operation with and between persons, institutions, governments and administrations for the achievement of its objects; declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections; adjudicate disputes which may arise from the organisation, administration or conducting of elections and which are of an administrative nature; and appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary. 7 Legislative and other mandates …continued
8 Strategic Plan The strategic plan: (a)Drafted in terms of the Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans (b)Developed after a consultative process (c)Adopted by the Commission (d)Covers a period of five years (e)Includes an annual performance plan, which covers a period of three years (f)Includes the strategic goals, measurable objectives, performance indicators and targets of the Commission’s programmes (g)Includes budget in respect of strategic goals (h)Will form the basis for the annual report Procedures will be established for quarterly reporting to the executive authority to facilitate effective performance monitoring, evaluation and corrective action
9 Strategic Goals 1.Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda 2.Strengthening electoral democracy 3.Strengthening a cooperative relationship with political parties 4.Strengthening institutional excellence and professionalism at all levels of the organisation 5.Strengthening institutional governance
10 Strategic Goal 1: Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda Strategic objectives 1.1Ensure accessibility and suitability of voting facilities and processes by establishing and applying infrastructure to meet operational demands for each electoral event. 1.2Ensure efficient electoral processes by defining, specifying and procuring election materials and equipment for all electoral events. 1.3Increase voter participation in elections 1.4Maximise electoral justice for all stakeholders in the electoral process 1.5Enhance the credibility of the voters’ roll 1.6Improve compliance with legal prescripts 1.7Continuously improve the legislative framework.
11 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of contracted voting stations on main registration weekends or election day Bi-annually22, Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014
12 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of schools used as voting stations for full scale elections (60%) as a percentage of the total number of voting stations on main registration weekends or election day Bi-annually14,520 (66%)
13 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of warehouses, local office facilities and full time distribution services available to support electoral events Quarterly10 / 234 / 1
Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Defined bill of material (signed off BoM) and specifications in place within the timelines stipulated in the logistics procurement plan Bi-annually100% achieved Sourced materials requirement plan (MRP) and bill of material (BOM) in accordance with of PPPFA, Treasury regulations and organisational policies and within the timelines stipulated in the logistics procurement plan. Bi-annually100% achieved Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014
Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.5 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of registered voters per annum quarterly 24,175,45722,981,71422, 891, 71423, 405,21124,175, Frequency per annum that voters roll is checked against national population register quarterly123333
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.6 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Percentage of elections for which voters’ roll is certified in accordance with election timetables Quarterly Number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy Quarterly Number of calendar days in which to replace PR seat vacancies Quarterly Number of calendar days in which election results are announced by the Electoral Commission Quarterly77777
Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 1.7 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of electoral legislation reviews per annum Annually Not applicable for 2013/ Number of relevant bill(s) submissions to parliament per annum Annually Number of Regulations published in Government Gazette per annum Annually1 1 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014
18 Strategic Goal 2: Strengthening electoral democracy Strategic objectives 2.1 encouraging citizen participation by providing continuous education; 2.2 providing strategic and thought leadership; 2.3 broadening our research agenda and issuing publications; 2.4 increasing visibility through proactive consultation, effective communication and presence; 2.5 facilitating platforms for political dialogue; 2.6 cultivating an environment for free and fair elections; and 2.7 constantly engaging the media.
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th The number of civic and democracy education events per annum. [An event is defined as being an activity of educational substance with a specified target audience of at least a given minimum size (of 20 people) with defined inputs and outputs]. Quarterly
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th The number of thought leadership initiatives per annum Annually20
21 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of research projects conducted per annum Bi-annual Phase One Knowledge Management Strategy – System implementation by 31 March Annually Phase 1 System implementation System implementation in accordance with the timelines set in the strategy documentation Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014
22 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of targeted media interactions per annum Quarterly 30 media releases 100 media interview s 12 media analysis reports 7 media releases 10 media interviews 3 media analysis reports 7 media releases 10 media interviews 3 media analysis reports 8 media releases 40 media interviews 3 media analysis reports 8 media releases 40 media interviews 3 media analysis reports
23 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of targeted communication platforms per annum Annually (14) Billboards Wall Murals Train Station Boards Taxi & Rank TV Posters Flyers Television Radio Print Digital/ Online Facebook Twitter Mobile Public Call Centre 14
24 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th The number of strategic partners per annum* Annually150
25 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.5 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of meetings with relevant stakeholders Quarterly
26 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 2.6 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of interactions with relevant stakeholders Quarterly133433
27 Strategic Goal 3: Strengthening a cooperative relationship with political parties Strategic objectives 3.1 Conducting a predetermined number of liaison sessions, commensurate with the prevailing electoral phases, with political parties on national level, on provincial level, and municipal level. 3.2 Annually ensuring that the funding in respect of political parties received from Parliament is distributed as defined in the relevant legislation.
28 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2013 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 3.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of liaison sessions with members of party liaison committees (PLCs) at national (10), provincial (54) and municipal (1170) levels per annum Quarterly (2 517) 12 Nat / 108 Prov / 2397 Local (629) 3 Nat / 27 Prov / 599 Local (629) 3 Nat / 27 Prov / 599 Local (629) 3 Nat / 27 Prov / 599 Local (630) 3 Nat / 27 Prov / 600 Local Funding of political parties - number of disbursements to parties per annum Quarterly41111
29 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2013 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 3.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of Training sessions conducted with political parties (1 x NO; 1 per province) per annum Annually10
30 Strategic Goal 4: Strengthening institutional excellence and professionalism at all levels of the organisation Strategic objectives 4.1 striving for excellence at voting station level; 4.2 building institutional capacity; 4.3 strengthening our presence and effectiveness at local level; 4.4 expanding human capital development; 4.5 adhering to performance standards; 4.6 becoming people-centred; 4.7 managing financial and human resources well;
31 Strategic Goal 4: Strengthening institutional excellence and professionalism at all levels of the organisation Strategic objectives 4.7 strengthening risk management; 4.8 maintaining sound industrial relations; 4.9 striving to comply with national climate change policies (preserving the environment); 4.10 building institutional memory.
32 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of electoral staff recruited per annum. Bi-annually282,00066, , Number of electoral staff trained per annum. Bi-annually 174,000 66,000108, Number of area managers recruited per annum. Annually4,277
33 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of permanent staff positions filled per annum Annually835 filled posts Number of bursaries awarded per annum Annually Number of staff who attend short courses or other exposure opportunities per annum Quarterly
34 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of fixed term staff appointed (expansion staff) per annum Bi-annually
35 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Percentage of performance agreements in place for the current year by 30 June of that year Annually100% of staff Percentage of performance assessment for the previous year completed by 30 June of the next financial year Annually100% of staff
36 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.5 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th One national office and one provincial wellness event per annum Annually10
37 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.6 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Annually meet statutory deadlines in respect of budgeting Quarterly Deadlines as per NT guidelines met 1 st Quarterl y review MTEF; 2 nd Quarterl y review ENE; 3 rd Quarterl y review Pre loading review Monthly management accounts per annum Quarterly 12 Monthly management accounts 3333
38 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.7 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Achieve an unqualified audit report each year AnnuallyUnqualified
39 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.8 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannuall y / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Develop and adopt a consolidated process for monitoring legal compliance by the end of the 2013/14 financial year. Implement and maintain the consolidated process during the remaining years covered by the plan. AnnuallyApproved Process developed Process approved
40 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.8 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Quarterly review and update the organisation’s strategic and provincial risk register Quarterly41111
41 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.9 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Annually review the industrial relations policy framework in consultation with relevant stakeholders (staff, unions) Annually Annual review completed --
42 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.10 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Develop and approve green policy and hold awareness sessions Annually Developed and approved policy Policy approved
43 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.11 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of accommodation contract validity reviews per annum Quarterly4 reviews1 review Number of security contract validity reviews per annum Quarterly4 reviews1 review Number of vehicles replaced per annum Annually Number of vehicles disposed of per annum Annually920
44 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 4.12 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th ICT infrastructure plan in place by 31 December 2014 Annually Review plan by 31 December 2014 Reviewed plan Annual % network and application systems availability (system generated report available) Quarterly97%
45 Strategic Goal 5: Strengthening institutional governance Strategic objectives 5.1 Refining institutional governance arrangements (including the Commission’s structures and committees); 5.2 Exercising oversight: monitoring, evaluation and support.
46 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 5.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of governance committees established in 2013/14 Quarterly Number of governance committees meetings per annum Quarterly
47 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 5.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of annual reviews of the effectiveness of governance committees completed Annually Number of Commission meetings per annum Quarterly114434
48 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 5.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of quarterly reports reviewed per annum Quarterly Number of Annual Reports reviewed. Annual1 1
49 Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2014 Performance indicators – 2013/14 targets for strategic objective 5.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2013/14 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of risk based annual internal audit plans approved Annually Number of quarterly progress reports per annum reviewed by the Audit Committee Quarterly41111
Summary of budget in respect of strategic goals Strategic Goals2013/14 R000’s 2014/15 R000’s 2015/16 R000’s 1. Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda 253,865328,442263,452 2.Strengthening electoral democracy 221,894138,039247,562 3.Strengthening a cooperative relationship with political parties 9,7034,0085, Strengthening institutional excellence and professionalism at all levels of the organisation 977,8071,079,5581,023, Strengthening institutional governance 15,73118,57616,401 GRAND TOTAL1,479,0001,568,6231,556,605
51 End of Presentation Discussions & Questions