Slide 1 1. Welcome and Apologies ›Apologies were received from: ›Peter Rastl and Christian Panigl (ACOnet), Zvonimir Stanic (CARNet), Jan Gruntorád and Helmut Sverenyák (CESNET), Panayiotis Tsanakas and Tryfon Chiotis (GRNET), John Boland (HEAnet), Sergiu Iliescu and Octavian Rusu (RoEduNet), Cem Saraç and Serkan Orcan (ULAKBIM), Dai Davies and Hans Döbbeling (DANTE), Bart van Aanholt (Level3 Communications) ›Proxies: ›Werner Koblitz represents ACOnet with proxy ›Agathoclis Stylianou represents GRNET with proxy ›Lajos Bálint represents RoEduNet with proxy ›Observers: ›Tim Marshall (JANET(UK)), Goran Škvarc (CARNet), Uladzimir Anishchanka (UIIP NASB), Alan Hollander (Nortel Networks), Artur Binczewski (PSNC)
Slide 2 2. Approval of Agenda ›The GA is asked to approve the agenda (GA(08)003).
Slide 3 3. Minutes of 28 th GA meeting ›The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 28 th General Assembly meeting, which was held in Riga on 26 October 2007 (GA(07)022).
Slide 4 4. Membership matters 4a. Admission of new members (GA(08)004, GA(08)005) ›The GA is asked to admit UIIP NASB as the National Member for Belarus in category 2, effective from receipt of the membership fee for the first year, with a membership fee of 0.6 units and 6 votes in the TERENA General Assembly. ›The is asked to admit Nortel Networks B.V. as an Associate Member, effective from receipt of the membership fee for the first year
Slide 5 4. Membership matters 4b. Changes in membership ›none
Slide 6 4. Membership matters 4c. Changes in representatives (GA(08)006, GA(08)007) ›NIIP NASB: Uladzimir Anishchanka (representative), Sergey Aneichik (substitute) ›Nortel Networks: Alan Hollander (representative), Gerard Jacobs (substitute) ›HEAnet: Mike Norris (representative), John Boland (substitute) ›Cisco Systems: Klaas Wierenga (substitute)
Slide 7 4. Membership matters 4d. Outstanding membership fees organisationctry total ULAKBIMTR296 RoEduNetRO20,604 BRENBG4,022 EMBL2,514 Juniper Networks 1,514 Level3 Communications 2,514 total--- 31,461 9,344
Slide 8 5. TERENA formal matters 5a. Adoption of financial accounts 2007 (FIN(08)002) ›The GA is asked to adopt the TERENA Financial Accounts 2007
Slide 9 5. TERENA formal matters 5b. TERENA Annual Report › The GA is asked to approve the TERENA Executive Committee ’ s Annual Report 2007, including the report on the Secretariat
Slide TERENA formal matters 5c. Appointment of auditors for 2008 and 2009 ›The GA is asked to appoint the firm of HLB Schippers as the TERENA auditors for the 2008 and 2009 annual accounts
Slide Executive Committee elections President Valid nominations: ›Dorte Olesen (nominated by GARR, seconded by DFN) ›……… Member Valid nominations: ›Agathoclis Stylianou (nominated by ARNES, seconded by GARR) ›………
Slide TERENA Technical Programme ›A report on the meeting of the Technical Advisory Council and an update on the TERENA Technical Programme will be presented orally.
Slide GN3 project preparations ›A verbal update will be given on the status of the preparations of the GN3 project proposal, and opinions will be invited on the role of TERENA in the project.
Slide Conferences and workshops 9 a. TERENA Networking Conference 2008, Brugge ›An oral report will be given on the preliminary results from the TERENA Networking Conference 2008
Slide Conferences and workshops 9 b. TNC 2009, Malaga, 8-11 June 2009 Programme Committee: ›Andrew Cormack (JANET(UK), UK) chair ›Hansruedi Born (SWITCH, CH) ›Jacqueline Brown (University of Washington, US) ›Serge Droz (SWITCH, CH) ›Victoriano Giralt (University of Málaga, ES) ›Baiba Kaškina (SigmaNet, LV) ›András Kovács (HUNGARNET, HU) ›Melanie Pankhurst (DANTE) ›Jürgen Rauschenbach (DFN, DE) ›Ligia Ribeiro (University of Porto, PT) ›Esther Robles (RedIRIS, ES) ›Péter Szegedi (TERENA Secretariat)
Slide Report from the regulatory issues workshop › Alberto P érez will give a verbal report on the workshop on regulatory issues that was held in Amsterdam on 17 March 2008
Slide TERENA Secretariat matters ›Karel VietschSecretary General ›John DyerBusiness and Technology Strategist ›Valentino CavalliChief Technical Officer ›Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer ›Licia FlorioProject Development Officer › Pé ter Szegedi Project Development Officer ›Dick VisserSenior IT Support Officer ›Christian GijtenbeekSenior Webmaster ›Gijsbert SliedrechtWebmaster ›Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer ›Laura DurnfordPublic Relations Officer ›Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator › Gy öngyi Horváth Conference and Workshop Organiser ›Jim BuddinWorkshop Organiser › Anik ó NagyData Analyst ›Hanna CheriguiSecretary › Harri ë tte RaaymakersAssistant Bookkeeper
Slide Update on the History Book ›An update on the preparations of a history book will be presented orally.
Slide Liaisons 13a. CCIRN ›A verbal report will be given on the CCIRN meeting that was held in Brugge on May 2008.
Slide Next meetings ›Sofia, 24 October 2008 ›presentation/invitation by Kiril Boyanov ›Málaga, June 2009
Slide Any Other Business and Close ›GA dinner is offered by BELNET ›19:30 hours ›Priorij van de Karmelieten, Ezelstraat 28, Brugge